CBSE Class-10 Economics notes

 CBSE Class-10

 Economics notes


Chapter 1


1. What will be the top priority in the developmental goal of a landless labourer?

(a) Expansion of rural banking

(b) More days of work and better wages

(c) Metal roads for transportation

(d) Establishment of a high school


Answer: b

2. What will be the aspiration of an educated urban unemployed youth?

(a) An educated urban unemployed youth will aspire for better opportunities in agriculture.

(b) Support from government at every step in life for his upward movement.

(c) An urban educated unemployed will aspire for good job opportunities where his education can be made use of.

(d) Better facilities of recreation for his leisure time.


Answer: c

3. Pick out the correct meaning listed below to define ‘average income’.

(a) Average income of the country means the total income of the country.

(b) The average income in a country is the income of only employed people.

(c) The average income is the same as per capita income.

(d) The average income includes the value of property held.


Answer: c

4. Which country can be considered as a developed country in the modern world? Select your answer from the following statements.

(a) Countries which have accumulated huge amount of wealth and always secures the future of their citizens. These countries are considered to be developed.

(b) Countries which are among the highest in the ‘Human Development Index’ are considered to be the developed countries.

(c) Only rich countries are considered to be developed because people have money to buy everything needed for human beings—both material and non-material.

(d) Iran is a rich country and therefore it is a developed country.


Answer: b

5. Money cannot buy all the goods and services that we may need to have a good life. A list of things required for a good life is given below. Which among the following are things money cannot buy?

(i) Full protection from infectious disease

(ii) High quality education

(in) A luxury home

(iv) A pollution-free atmosphere in every part of the country

(a) (i) and(ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(d) (i) and (iv)

Answer: d

6. HDI stands for ‘Human Development Index’ that focuses on Fill in the blanks with one of the following option

(a) life expectancy

(b) gross enrolment ratio for three levels of schooling

(c) national income

(d) All the above

Answer: d

7. Kerala has a low infant mortality rate. What could be the reason? Find the correct answer from the following

(a) Kerala has a low infant mortality rate because all the girls are trained at the primary level schooling to look after a newborn child

(b) Because most of the girls are nurses in Kerala

(c) Because Kerala has very high female literacy rate and adequate health facilities are available for both mothers and children

(d) Kerala’s good climatic condition helps infants to survive

Answer: b

8. What would be the most promising source of energy fifty years from now and why?

(a) Petroleum energy, because it is obtained from fossil fuels

(b) Solar energy, because it is not exhaustible

(c) Coal based energy, because it is pollution- free

(d) Forest product based energy, because India has abundant forests

Answer: b

9. Pick out the cause (from below) that enhances environmental degradation

(a) Planting of trees

(b) Prevention of factory wastes getting mixed up with river water

(c) Ban on use of plastic bags

(d) Allowing increase in the level of exhaust fumes emitted by cars, buses, trucks, etc

Answer: d

Question 10.

Human Development Report is published by

(a) UNDP

(b) World Bank

(c) IMF

(d) WHO


Answer: (a) UNDP

Question 11.

What was the literacy rate in Kerala in 2011?

(a) 82

(b) 94

(c) 62

(d) 50


Answer: (b) 94

Question 12.

Which of the following is the most important component for comparing different countries?

(a) Population

(b) Income

(c) Per capita income

(d) Resources


Answer: (c) Per capita income

Question 13.

In which state of India is the infant mortality rate lowest?

(a) Goa

(b) Bihar

(c) Uttar Pradesh

(d) Kerala

Answer: (a) Goa

Question 14.

Which of the following countries has higher HDI rank than India?

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Nepal

(c) Bangladesh

(d) Pakistan


Answer: (a) Sri Lanka

Question 15.

Pick out the cause (from below) that enhances environmental degradation:

(a) Planting of trees.

(b) Prevention of factory wastes getting mixed up with river water.

(c) Ban on use of plastic bags.

(d) Allowing increase in the level of exhaust fumes emitted by cars, buses, trucks, etc.


Answer: (d) Allowing increase in the level of exhaust fumes emitted by cars, buses, trucks, etc.

Question 16.

Which one of the following criteria is the basis to measure the development of a country according to UNDP?

(a) Per capita income

(b) Educational levels of the people

(c) Health status of the people

(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 17.

Which one of the following states has the highest Human Development Index (HDI)?

(a) Kerala

(b) Punjab

(c) Uttar Pradesh

(d) West Bengal


Answer: (a) Kerala

Question 18.

Which is the most important attribute for comparing the development of countries ?

(a) Resources

(b) Population

(c) Average income

(d) None of these


Answer: (d) None of these

Question 19.

Which of the following countries has higher HDI rank than India?

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Nepal

(c) Bangladesh

(d) Pakistan


Answer: (a) Sri Lanka

Question 20.

Kerala has low Infant Mortaliy Rate because:

(a) it has good climatic condition

(b) it has adequate infrastructure

(c) it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities

(d) it has poor net attendence ratio


Answer: (c) it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities

Question 21.

Human Development Index compares countries based on which of the following levels of the people?

(a) Educational level

(b) Health status

(c) Per capita Income

(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 22.

Cause of high infant mortality rate is :

(a) inadequate facilities of health

(b) lack of infrastructural facilities

(c) lack of awareness

(d) both (a) and (b)


Answer: (d) both (a) and (b)

Question 23.

Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in terms of human development rank than India ?

(a) Bhutan

(b) Sri Lanka

(c) Nepal

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Sri Lanka

Question 24.

Proportion of literate population in the 7 years and above age group is termed as

(a) Education index

(b) Mortality ratio

(c) Literacy rate

(d) Gross enrolment ratio


Answer: (c) Literacy rate

Question 25.

Per capita income is:

(a) income per person

(b) income per family

(c) income per earning person

(d) income per month


Answer: (a) income per person

Question 26.

The countries with per capita income of US $955 (2017) or less are termed as

(a) Low income countries

(b) Developing countries

(c) Developed countries

(d) Rich countries


Answer: (a) Low income countries

Question 27.

HDI stands for ‘Human Development Index’ that focuses on Fill in the blanks with one of the following options:

(a) life expectancy

(b) gross enrolment ratio for three levels of schooling

(c) national income

(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 28.

Pick out the correct meaning listed below to define ‘average income’.

(a) Average income of the country means the total income of the country.

(b) The average income in a country is the income of only employed people.

(c) The average income is the same as per capita income.

(d) The average income includes the value of property held.


Answer: (c) The average income is the same as per capita income.

Question 29.

What will be the top priority in the developmental goal of a landless labourer?

(a) Expansion of rural banking

(b) More days of work and better wages

(c) Metal roads for transportation

(d) Establishment of a high school


Answer: (b) More days of work and better wages

Question 30.

What proportion of the country is over using their groundwater reserves?

(a) One-Fourth

(b) One-Tenth

(c) One-Third

(d) half


Answer: (c) One-Third

Question 31.

Development goals of different sections of our society can be achieved by:

(a) Force

(b) Democratic political process

(c) Violent agitation

(d) Terrorism


Answer: (b) Democratic political process

Question 32.

Which one of the following statements defines ‘Literacy Rate’?

(a) Total literate population divided by total population

(b) Total literate population divided by literate population

(c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 and above age group.

(d) It measures the proportion of literate proportion in the 7 years and above age group.


Answer: (c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 and above age group.

Question 33.

Which one of the following is not a feature of developing country?

(a) Agriculture as the major occupation

(b) High technological development

(c) Mass poverty

(d) Mass illiteracy


Answer: (b) High technological development

Question 34.

The developmental goal for a girl from a rich family is:

(a) to get more days of work

(b) to get as much freedom as her brother gets

(c) to get electricity

(d) to get better wages


Answer: (b) to get as much freedom as her brother gets

Question 35.

Which one of the following is a developmental goal for industrialists?

(a) To get more days of work

(b) To get better wages

(c) To get more electricity

(d) All the above


Answer: (c) To get more electricity

Class 10 Social Science


Chapter 2

 Sectors of Indian Economy

1. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. What does it show? Pick up the correct statement given below:
(a) It shows how big is the economy of a country in a given year in terms of its total output.
(b) It shows what the total product of a country in a given year without counting the country’s total resources.
(c) It shows the number of people involved in production in a particular year.
(d) It shows the total value of trade trans-actions of a country in a particular year.

Answer: a

2. Employment figures of a country are based on data collected from 5-yearly survey on employment and unemployment. Which organisation conducts this survey?
(a) NSSO—National Sample Survey Organisation
(b) NREGA 2005—National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
(c) ILO — International Labour Organisation
(d) Census of India

Answer: b

3. Identify the natural product from the list of items given below:
(a) Textile
(b) Wheat flour
(c) Cotton
(d) Tomtao sauce

Answer: c

4. Which of the following examples does not fall under unorganized sector?
(a) A farmer irrigating his field.
(b) A daily wage labourer working for a contractor.
(c) A doctor in a hospital treating a patient.
(d) A handloom weaver working on a loom in her house.

Answer: c

5. Identify the correct answer from the alternatives provided.
Both Tisco and Reliance Industries are owned by :
(a) The government
(b) Private company
(c) A cooperative society
(d) Jointly by private companies and the govt.

Answer: c

6. NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005) has guaranteed ………. days of employment in a year in many districts of India. What are the correct number of days?
(a) 200 days
(b) 100 days
(c) 30 days
(d) 60 days

Answer: b

7. Choose one correct statement from the following:
Underemployment occurs —
(a) when people are not willing to work.
(b) when people are working slowly.
(c) when people are working less than what they are capable of doing.
(d) when people are not paid for their jobs.

Answer: c

8. Which sector has emerged as the largest producing sector in India. Select one from the following alternatives:
(a) Secondary sector
(b) Tertiary sector
(c) Primary sector
(d) Science and Technology sector

Answer: b

9. Where will you find the disguised unemployment most? Select the correct option from those given below:
(a) Among agricultural workers working for small farm lands
(b) Among part-time industrial workers
(c) In most of the government offices
(d) In big private companies

Answer: a

10. How do big private companies contribute in the development of a nation?
(a) By increasing the demands for their products through advertisements.
(b) By increasing their profits.
(c) By increasing productivity of the country in the manufacturing of industrial goods.
(d) By providing private hospital facilities for the rich.

Answer: c

Q1. Name one type of classification of the economy?

A. Urban
B. Rural
C. Public/private
D. state/national


Q2. Where are the employment and non-employment figures taken from to study the data?

A. Real-Time Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy.
B. National Statistical Office (NSO)
C. NITI Aayog
D. Statistics information Bureau


Q3. What are the groups of classification of an economy called?

A. Sectors
B. Centers
C. Types
D. Categories


Q4. When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources it is called……..?

A. Tertiary sector
B. Primary sector
C. Service sector
D. Public sector


Q5. Which activities come under the agriculture and related sectors?

A. Dairy
B. Mineral excavation
C. using cotton fiber from the plant
D. Selling agricultural products in the market


Q6. What is the secondary sector?

A. production of a good by exploiting natural resources
B. activities in which natural products are changed into other forms through ways of manufacturing
C. activities, by themselves, do not produce a good but they are an aid or support for the production process.
D. Mineral excavation


Q7. Using sugarcane as raw material, we make sugar or gur, under what sector does this activity come?

A. Primary
B. Private
C. Industrial
D. Tertiary


Q8. Those activities, by themselves, do not produce a good but they are an aid or support for the production process, are called……….?

A. Primary
B. Private
C. Industrial
D. Tertiary


Q9. Name one functioning activity of the Tertiary sector?

A. goods that are produced would need to be transported by trucks or trains and then sold in wholesale and retail shops
B. this sector gradually became associated with the different kinds of industries
C. activities in which natural products are changed into other forms through ways of manufacturing
D. produce a good by exploiting natural resources


Q10. Which sector is also called the service sector?

A. Primary
B. Public
C. Industrial
D. Tertiary

Q11. The sum of production in the three sectors gives what is called the …………. of a country?

A. Gross income
B. Gross Domestic Product
C. Net Domestic Product
D. Net income


Q12. The value of final goods and services produced in each sector during a particular year provides the………..

A. Average Production of the sector for that year
B. Net Production of the sector for that year
C. Total production of the sector for that year.
D. Gross production of the sector for that year


Q13. ……………gradually became the most important in total production and employment?

A. Secondary sector
B. Tertiary sector
C. Public sector
D. Primary sector


Q14. Which one is a primary occupation?

A. Tailor
B. Basket weaver
C. Flower cultivator
D. Milk vendor


Q15. Not every good (or service) that is produced and sold needs to be counted. It makes sense only to include the ………… to get the total production?

A. values of goods and services in production
B. final goods and services
C. adding up the actual numbers of goods
D. goods and services in the three sectors

Q16. Give an example of an intermediate good?

A. Woven basket
B. Chair production from wood
C. Wheat flour
D. Biscuits


Q17. It has been noted from the histories of many, now developed, countries that at initial stages of development, …………. sector was the most important sector of economic activity.

A. Public
B. Tertiary
C. Secondary
D. Primary


Q18. As the methods of farming changed and the agriculture sector began to prosper, most of the goods produced were ………….. from the primary sector and most people were also employed in this sector?

A. Synthetic products
B. Involved machines
C. Natural products
D. Mixed products


Q19. Why did the Secondary sector later become the most important sector?

A. People began to use many more goods that were produced in factories at cheap rates
B. Employment increased
C. Agriculture declined
D. A & B


Q20. In developed countries, the ………… sector has become the most important in terms of total production.

A. Primary
B. Industrial
C. Service
D. Public


Q21. In the data given of GDP, which was the most productive sector in 1974?

A. Primary
B. Tertiary
C. Secondary
D. Equal production


Q22. The primary sector is also called…….?

A. Service sector
B. Agriculture and related sector
C. Pre- industry sector
D. Unorganized sector


Q23. In the data given of GDP which was the most productive sector in 2013-14?

A. Primary
B. Tertiary
C. Secondary
D. Equal production


Q24.The secondary sector is also called……..?

A. Organised sector
B. Service sector
C. Industrial sector
D. Public sector


Q25. Which sector has grown the most over forty years?

A. Primary
B. Tertiary
C. Secondary
D. Equal production


Q26. Which of these can be considered as basic services?

A. Growing of wheat
B. Transport
C. Storage
D. Police station


Q27. Greater the development of the primary and secondary sectors, ……… would be the demand for such services?

A. Equal
B. More
C. Less
D. Uneven


Q28. When income levels rise, certain sections of people start demanding many more services like………..

A. More food
B. Hospitals
C. Defense
D. Tourism


Q29. Over the past decade or so, certain new services such as …………. have become important and essential?

A. private hospitals
B. professional training
C. information and communication technology
D. Insurance


Q30. Underemployment is hidden in contrast to someone who does not have a job and is clearly visible as unemployed. It is also called ………………

A. Hidden employment
B. Disguised unemployment.
C. Unstable employment
D. Less employment

Fill in the Blanks

1. Tertiary sector is also called ……….. .
2. Communication and banking come under ……….. sector.
3. Cotton cultivation falls under ……….. sector.
4. In the public sector, the ……….. owns most of the assets and provides all services.
5. In the Private sector, the ownership lies in the hands of ……….. .
6. Most of the jobs are ……….. and ……….. paid in the unorganised sector.
7. Protection and support to the unorganised sector is needed for both ……….. and ……….. development.
8. Bankers and truck drivers belong to ……….. sector of the economy.


1. Service sector
2. Tertiary
3. Primary
4. government
5. private companies
6. unsecure, lowly
7. economic and social
8. Tertiary


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