HS Prose poem long question test


HS Prose poem long question test



Group-A(Answer any 2 questions)(2×6=12)

1)"It takes much time to kill a tree, 'why does it take much time a tree?According to the poet how is the tree finally killed?(3+3)

2).How does Shakespeare immortalize his friends beauty? 3) Justify the title of the poem 'Asleep in the Valley'

4)What picture of two seasons does Keats draw in 'The poetry of Earth?' How are the two pictures related?(3+3)

Group-B(Answer any 2 questions)(2×6=12)

1)Draw a picture of communal harmony as you find on the prose piece 'Strong Roots'

 2)'You have already been answered 'Who said this and to whom? how has the person referred to been answered?(2+4)

 3) Justify the title of the short story 'Thank you ma'am'.

4)"Then I made a mistake" - Who is the speaker? What mistake did he make? Why was it a mistake? What removed the speaker's doubts?What did the speaker do then?(1+1+1+1+2)


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