Class 12 Play (The Proposal) Notes

 Class 12 Play 

(The Proposal) 


The Proposal

Anton Chekhov 

Questions and Answers(L.A.Q.), Class 12, WBCHSE

1)"Why are you formal in your get up.” – Who is the speaker? Who is being spoken to? What leads the speaker to make this comment? [1+1+4 = 6]     [H.S. = 2019]

Ans. In Anton Chekhov’s ‘The Proposal’, Chubukov, a landowner is the speaker.

Lomov, a neighbour of Chubukov, is being spoken to.

Chubukov was surprised at Lomov’s attire. He wore a dress-jacket, gloves and so on as if he was going to celebrate a party. Lomov was a neighbour of Chubukov. Generally, a neighbour does not visit another neighbour’s house in such gorgeous clothes without any occasion. That was why Chubukov uttered these words with great amazement.

2) “I have been hoping for it for a long time.” – Who is the speaker? What does ‘it’ refer to? How did the speaker come to know about it? What more did the speaker say in this context? [1+1+1+3 = 6]  [H.S. = 2020]

Ans. Chubukov is the speaker in Anton Chekhov’s play ‘The Proposal’.

‘It’ refers to the marriage proposal of Lomov to Natalya Stepanovna, daughter of Chubukov.

The speaker Chubukov came to know about it when Lomov in his formal get up informed that he had come to ask the hand of his daughter in marriage.

Hearing the marriage proposal from Lomov, Chubukov became extremely glad. He told Lomov that he always loved him like his own son. He prayed to God to give his favour and love and prosper them. He was so overjoyed that he behaved in an idiotic way and felt almost imbalance. At last, he went to call his daughter to inform the good news.

3) “She is like a love-sick cat.” – Who said this about whom? Analyse the character of the person, referred to here, under the light of the comment above. [1+1+4 = 6]   [H.S. = 2017]

Ans. Chubukov said this about his daughter, Natalya.

Natalya was very eager to get married to Lomov. His father was right in his comment. After the quarrel, when Natalya came to know that Lomov had come to propose her in marriage, she felt ill. She fell into an easy chair and started lamenting over the lost chance of marriage. She begged her father to bring him back. This extreme desperation of marriage to Lomov shows her love-sickness.

4)Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry? Why?  [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2016]


“And it’s impossible for me not to marry.” – Why is the speaker so interested to marry? Whom does he want to marry and why? [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2020]
Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision?[6]   [H.S. = 2019]
Why does Lomov think Natalya will make an acceptable wife?

Ans. Lomov thought about making a decision about getting married. There were some reasons. He was already 35 years old. According to him, it was a critical age for marriage. He wanted to lead a quiet and regular life. He had several nervous disorder. So, without wasting any time looking for ideal or real love, he decided to get married.

Lomov wanted to marry Natalya Stepanovna, the daughter of Chubukov.

Natalya Stepanovna was an excellent housekeeper. She was good looking and well educated. Lomov was quite satisfied with the qualities in Natalya.

5) “Go there is a merchant come for his goods.” – Who said this and to whom? Who is the merchant? What is referred to as goods? In what way does it bring out the attitude of the person and the society at the time?  [2+1+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2018]

Ans. Chubukov said this to his daughter, Natalya in Anton Chekhov’s play ‘The Proposal’.

The person referred to here as merchant is Lomov.

Natalya is referred to here as ‘goods’.

By these words, we can assume a business-like mentality of the speaker and the humiliating attitude of contemporary society towards women. Chubukov considers that marriage is a business deal. Grooms are like the merchants and the brides are treated as their goods. It reflects a male-dominated society where marriageable daughters are considered as economic(आर्थिक) liability(ज़िम्मेदारी) and burden (बोझ) to their fathers.

6) “We have had the land for nearly three hundred years.” – Who is the speaker? Who is spoken to? What is referred to as ‘the land’? What do you know of the land from their conversation? [1+1+1+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2018]

Ans. The speaker is Natalya Stepanovna in Anton Chekhov's play ‘The Proposal’.

The person spoken to is Lomov.

The land referred to here is ‘Oxen Meadows’.

From their conversation, we came to know that Oxen Meadows had been a subject of dispute between the Lomovs and the Chubukovs for years. The Oxen Meadows were wedged between birch woods and Burnt Marsh. They were five dessiatins in size and worthed 300 roubles. Both Natalya and Lomov claimed their ownership of the land. According to Lomov, he inherited(विरासत में मिला) the land from his late aunt and her husband. But Natalya claimed that her grandfather and great grandfather had extended the land up to Burnt Marsh.

7) “If you like, I’ll make you a present of them.” – Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? What would the speaker make a present of? Why did the speaker say so? [1+1+1+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2017]

Ans. The speaker is Vassilevitch Lomov in Anton Chekhov’s play ‘The Proposal’.

The person spoken to here is Natalya Stepanovna.

The speaker Lomov would make a present of the land Oxen Meadows

During the time of argument regarding the possession over the land Oxen Meadows, Lomov made this comment. Natalya told Lomov that she did not want anything from him and she did not want to give up anything of her. In response to Natalya’s remark, Lomov said that he would act on principle. The value of the property meant nothing for him. That was why he offered her the land as a present.

8) “Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here.” – Who says this and to whom? When is this said? What impression of the speaker can be formed from this comment? [1+1+2+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2020]

Ans. Natalya Stepanovna says this to his father, Chubukov in the play ‘The Proposal’.

When Lomov was expelled from the house after the heated argument, Chubukov informed Natalya that Lomov had come to propose her in marriage. On this occasion, Natalya says these words.

By this remark, we can form an impression that Natalya is desperate to accept the marriage proposal of Lomov. She is 25 now and still unmarried. She was very much disappointed with the missing chance of marriage. This expression also shows her passion for Lomov.

9)Forgive us, Ivan Vassilevitch, we were all a little heated.” – Who is the Speaker? Who are referred to by us? Why were the persons referred to ‘a little heated’? Why does the speaker ask for forgiveness? [1+1+2+2 = 6] [H.S. =2016]

Ans. Natalya Stapanovna is the speaker in Anton Chekhov’s play ‘The Proposal’.

Natalya and her father Chubukov are referred to here by us.

They were in ‘a little heated’ because when Lomov had come to propose Natalya, they had a wild argument with Lomov over the disputed land Oxen Meadows.

When Natalya came to know from her father that Lomov had actually come to propose to her in marriage, she regretted her rude behaviour and asked him for forgiveness.

10) “I am the most unhappy of men.” – Who said this? Why did he say so? How did the speaker get rid of his unhappiness? [1+3+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2019]

Ans. Chubukov said this in Anton Chekhov’s play ‘The Proposal’.

For the second time, Natalya entangled herself in the argument over the pet dogs with Lomov.  Lomov felt highly physical and mental infirmity and fainted. Natalya thought that he was dead. She imposed the liability on her father Chubukov as he also took part in the quarrel and continually abused Lomov. That was why infuriated(क्रुद्ध करना) with the situation, the poor father made this remark.

When Lomov got his sense back, Chubukov instantly put Lomov’s hand into his daughter’s hand and asked them to get married. In this way, he got rid of his unhappiness.

11) Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play ‘The Proposal’. [6] [H.S. = 2018]

Ans. Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov is an unmarried landowner and a neighbour of Chubukov. He had a number of nervous disorders and he always depressed with the illnesses. He is already 35 – a critical age. He managed his mind to get married to Natalya as he considered that she was an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking and well educated. He had a practical observation of life. He came with the marriage proposal but did not express it to Natalya and occasionally involved himself with the quarrels. We see an argumentative and abusive nature of Lomov during the quarrels. However, unable to control his mental agitation, he fainted. Finally, he agreed to get married by the intervention of Chubukov.

12)Describe the character of chubukov as an sensible father. [6] [H.S. = 2016]
* Character of Chubukov.
* Is Chubukov a sensible father? Discuss.

Ans. Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is a sensible father. He is a neighbour of Lomov. He knows everything about Lomov’s property and social status. When he came to know that Lomov had come to propose to her daughter, he was extremely elated. As a sensible father, he addressed his son-in-law by the words like ‘my precious and ‘my angel’ and so on. Sometimes it seems that he acted like an apparently insensible way when he involved in quarrels with Lomov. But on the other hand, he supported his daughter as a sensible father. When Lomov was expelled, he controlled his mental agitation and fetched Lomov to secure his daughter’s future. At the end, when Lomov got his sense back, Chubukov could not wait any longer and put Lomov’s hand into her daughter’s.

13)Make a brief sketch of social life as you see in the play 'The Proposal'.

Ans. In the one act-play 'The Proposal' we find a vivid description of the contemporary Russian society of Chekhov's time. Daughters were considered economic liability. Natalya was not an exception. Personal desires and emotions were not given any priority. The society used to consider pelf and property as the inevitable criteria for a marriage. Girls could not choose their life-partners. The age gap in between the spouses used to be overlooked. Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov heaved a sigh of relief after putting Natalya's hand in Lomov's. The upper middle class society prided themselves on hunting or drinking wine. Chekhov vehemently protested against such vulgarity of living in the Russian society in the nineteenth century.

14)Discuss the reasons why the marriage proposal is important to all the characters in the play 'The proposal'.

Ans. In the one-act-play "The Proposal” the marriage proposal is important to all the characters mainly because they judged the proposal from their respective viewpoints of convenience and profit. Chubukov considered Natalya a burden and desperately wanted to get rid of this 'love-sick cat by marrying her off. Lomov was already thirty five and wanted a settled married life for him without further delay. For him Natalya was the best option. Natalya took into consideration the fact that Lomov had a huge property and through marriage she would inherit that. Thus all the characters are greatly influenced by the marriage proposal.

15)Describe the quarrel over the Oxen Meadows.

Answer: In the play 'The Proposal', the first argument is over the Oxen Meadows. In course of conversation, Lomov says that his Oxen Meadows touch Natalya's birchwoods. Then Natalya says that Oxen Meadows are theirs. Lomov says that he has the documents. He says that his aunt's grandmother gave the free use of the meadows to the peasants of Natalya's father's grandfather and in return, they made bricks for her. Natalya opposes Lomov. According to her, their land extended to Burnt Marsh. It means Oxen Meadows are theirs. Both stick to their points. They abuse each other. Then Chubukov comes and supports Natalya. Thus the quarrel continues. Finally, Lomov leaves Chubukov's house.

16) Describe the quarrel over the hunting dogs.

Answer: In the play 'The Proposal', Lomov quarrels with Natalya and Chubukov over the hunting dogs. Lomov demands that his dog Guess is better than Natalya's dog Squeezer. At this, Natalya contradicts and says that it is too much to spend 125 roubles for Guess. They get a better dog for 85 roubles only. Immediately Lomov shows Squeezer's faults. He says that Squeezer is overshot so it is a bad hunter. Then Natalya mentions that Squeezer is a pure dog whereas Guess is old and as ugly as a worn-out cab horse. Chubukov also supports Natalya and says that Guess is short in the muzzle. Lomov again mentions how Guess ran neck-and-neck with the Count's Dog but Squeezer was left behind. Thus the argument continues.

17)* Sketch the social picture in the play 'The Proposal'.
Sketch the marriage system * of the Russian society.


* Do you think, the play 'The Proposal

is a farce. Discuss.


* Justify the title of the play 'The Proposal.

Ans-:In 'The Proposal', Anton Chekhov deals with the marriage system of the contemporary Russian society at a level of a farce. Here Chekhov reveals the hollowness and the non-romantic nature of marriage. Marriage is not a romantic bond between a bride and a bridegroom. Rather, it is a business deal. In this play, we see that Lomov feels no love for Natalya. He wants to marry her for some material gain. And to Chubukov, his unmarried daughter Natalya is an economic burden. Chubukov feels great relief when he puts Natalya's hand in Lomov's. In Russian society, there is no place of emotion, love, romance and idealism in marriage. Thus, Chekhov satirises the Russian social life.

* If title comes, add this.*

We find that the play centres round the marriage proposal of Lomov to Natalya. And the contemporary Russian social picture is nicely presented through the proposal. So, the title 'The Proposal' is appropriate.

18)"What's the matter ? What are you shouting at ?"-Who said this and to whom? What were they shouting at? (2+4=6)

Ans. The seventy five-year old Chubukov said this to Lomov and Natalya. Lomov comes to the house of Natalya with a proposal of marriage. But they get locked in a dispute over the ownership of the Oxen Meadows. While Lomov claims that the meadows belong to their family, Stepanovna claims that to be theirs. Lomov argues that his aunt's grandfather gave the meadows to the peasants of Natalya's grandfather on lease for forty years. But Natalya does not want to understand all these. They were shouting at this not discussions.

19.)Vvvi.***Character of Natalya.**

Ans: Natalya is one of the major characters in Anton Chekhov's one act play "The Proposal". She is the twenty five years old daughter of a rich and affluent landlord, Chubukov. She is good looking, well educated and an efficient manager of her father's household. She has enough knowledge of agricultural works. Natalya proves herself as an obstinate young lady having sound knowledge of her family's property. She never allows Lomov to overpower her when the arguments continue regarding the possession of Oxen Meadows and the superiority of dogs. She is again very keen to marry as she has reached her nuptial age already. When she comes to know about the marriage proposal, she turns frantic and restless to bring Lomov back. She somehow wants to manage the situation to get the proposal from Lomov. Now she changes her standpoint and surrenders her tenacity in order to accept Lomov as her husband. She is egocentric too as she gets herself involved once again in a bitter argument over the hunting dogs, and continues to quarrel even after getting married. However she is an interesting character.

 (MCQ Questions & Answers)

1. ‘The Proposal' was first performed in – a) 1870 b) 1880 c) 1890 d) 1863.
2. Lomov is in his- a) 30s b) mid 30s c) 40s d) mid 40s.
3. Natalya is - a) 22 b) 25 c) 27 d) 30.
4. Chubukov is in his- a) mid 50s b) 70s c) mid 60s d) 80s.
5. 'The Proposal' was originally written in- a) English b) German c) French d) Russian.
6. The play opens in the- a) dining room b) hall c) kitchen d) drawing-room.
7. The setting of the play is- a) Chubukov’s country-house b) Lomov’s country-house
c) Chubukov’s palace d) hotel.
8. The peasants of Natalya’s father’s grandfather make free use of the meadows for-
a) 30 years b) 40 years c) 50 years d)45 years 
9. Natalya opined that the oxen Meadows were worth perhaps- a) 125 roubles b) 285 
roubles c) 300 roubles d) 80 roubles.
10. Chubukov thinks that Lomov has come to borrow- a) land b) money c) machine d) 
11. Natalya is an excellent- a) house keeper b) nurse c) cook d) maid.
12. Lomov suffers from - a) fever b) palpitation c) cough d) cold.
13. Lomov says that for marriage his age is- a) too young b) perfect c) suitable d) 
14. Lomov feels his twitch in his right- a) leg b) ear c) eye-brow d) hand.
15. When Lomov gets into bed, he feels a sudden pull in his- a) shoulder b) left side c)
head d) none of these.
16. From bed, Lomov jumps up like a- a) lunatic b) frog c) horse d) cat.
17. As soon as Lomov gets off to sleep, he feels another pull- a) 20 times b) 25 times 
c)30 times d)15 times.
18. Natalya wears her - a) skirt b) apron and negligee c) coat d) tunic.
19. Natalya asked Lomov to have- a) lunch b) light refreshment c) dinner d) breakfast.
20. Natalya asks Lomov if he is going to- a) a cocktail party b) office c) ball d)
21. Lomov inherited his land from his- a) father b) grand father c) grand mother d) late
aunt and her husband.
22. The subject of first argument /dispute was- a) Oxen Meadows b) Burnt Marsh c) 
Birch Woods d) Green Meadows.
23. The Oxen Meadows are in between- a) the birchwoods and the Burnt Marsh b) the 
birchwood and the burnt meadow c) the birchwoods and the Burnt Bog d) the 
birchwoods and the Burnt Glade.

24. Lomov will take the matter of dispute to- a) court b) church c) the Bishop d) The 
25. The subject of second argument/dispute was - a) hunting dogs b) land c) threshing 
machine d) inheritance.
26. Chubukov thinks Lomov is paying a- a) surprise visit b) Christmas visit c) New Year’s
Eve visit d) casual visit.
27. Natalya asks Lomov to catch – a) dogs b) cats c) black beetles d)birds.
28. Natalya argued that they had the land for nearly- a) 250 years b) 300 years c) 350 
years d) 400 years.
29. Chubukov describes that Lomov is dead because he does not- a) speak b) breathe 
c) move d) drink.
30. Natalya’s father’s grandfather’s peasants used to bake a) bricks b) loaf c) raw meat 
d) cookies.
31. The peasants used to bake bricks for the grandmother of Lomov’s – a) aunt b)
grandfather c) father d) mother.
32. “You pettifogger!” Here ‘pettifogger' means- a) doctor b) lawyer c) grabber d) land 
33. Who is described as ‘pettifogger’? – a) Chubukov b) Natalya c) Mironov d) Lomov.
34. According to Chubukov, Lomov's grandfather was a- a) drunkard b) doctor c) 
lawyer d) architect.
35. According to Chubukov, Lomov’s father was a - a) guzzling gambler b) drunkard c) 
thief d) grabber.
36. According to Lomov, Chubukov’s mother was – a) lame b) blind c) deaf d) hump-
37. Lomov's younger aunt Nastasya Mihailovna ran away with a/an –a) architect b)
farmer b) merchant d) porter.
38. “He's old and as ugly as a worn-out cab horse.” Here ‘He’ refers to- a) Squeezer b)
Guess c) Harness d) Marusinksy.
39. Natalya compares Guess with a worn-out- a) cab-horse b) race-horse c) Arabian 
horse d)lame-horse.
40. According to Chubukov, Guess is old and he is short in-a)muzzle B) height c) size d)
41. Squeezer was purchased at the rate of- a) 40 roubles c) 80 roubles c) 70 roubles d)
85 roubles.
42. According to Lomov, a dog like squeezer should not be more than- a) 25 roubles b)
30 roubles c)35 roubles d) 40 roubles.
43. Lomov said that Squeezer was- a) overshot b) blind c) old d) deaf.
44. Lomov argues that a dog like squeezer can be found under- a) every bush b) every 
tree c) every jungle d) every sanctuary.
45. The son of Harness and Chisel is- a) Guess b) Squeezer c) Mironov d) Volchanetsky.
46. On the Marusinksy hunt, Guess ran neck-and-neck with -a) Squeezer b) Count's dog
c) Lomov d) Natalya.
47. Chubukov celebrates the union between son-in-law and his daughter with- a) 
prayer b) blessing c) champagne d) bliss.

48. The name of Lomov’s dog is – a) Squeezer b) Guess c) Mironov d) Ivan.
49. According to Chubukov, Guess has- a) one defect b) two defects c) three defects 
d) four defects.
50. Lomov appears wearing a/an- a) coat b) gown c) shirt d) evening dress (dress jacket 
and white gloves).
51. When Natalya learnt about Lomov’s proposal, she became- a) terrified b) hysteric
c) numb d) fainted.
52. Natalya said that they had to put off their threshing till – a) November b) 
December c) October d) September.
53. Who is called the villain/ the scarecrow/ turnip ghost/ the wizen-faced frump? -a) 
Chubukov b) Mironov c) Natalya d) Lomov.
54. ‘Embezzlement’ means – a) cheating b) charity c) ignition d) blazing.
55. The name of Natalya’s dog is- a) Squeezer b) Mironov c) Guess d) Ivan. *H.S 2016
56. When Lomov arrived, Chubukov was surprised by his – a) evening dress b)
palpitations c) shyness d) impudence. *H.S 2016
57. Lomov comes to Chubukov's house – a) to propose to his daughter b) like a good 
neighbour c) for a formal meeting d) to borrow money from Chubukov. *H.S 2016
58. Chubukov is a – a) farmer b) merchant c) land-owner d) villager. *H.S 2016
59. Chubukov addresses Lomov as- a) a devil b) a peasant c) an angel d) an angle. 
*H.S 2017
60. Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a a) patridge b) fox 
c) dog d) wolf. *H.S 2017
61. According to Natalya, they had lent Lomov their – a) hunting dogs b) lands c) 
peasants d) threshing-machine. *H.S 2017
62. Natalya was shelling _____ for drying- a) beans b) peas c) barley d) meadows. 
*H.S 2017
63. Lomov’s aunt's name is – a) Natalya Stepnova b) Natasha Vassilvitch c) Nastasya
Mihailovna d) Natalya Mihailovna. *H.S 2018
64. Lomov gave ____ to Mironov for his dog.- a)120 roubles b) 125 roubles c) 25 
roubles d) 85 roubles. *H.S 2018
65. Chubukov comments that Lomovs have had in their family – a) autocracy b) lunacy
c) hypocrisy d) democracy. *H.S 2018
66. Lomov went to his neighbour , Chubukov's house – a) to borrow money b) To settle 
a dispute c) to give a marriage proposal d) to complain. *H.S 2018


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