Class 12 English Project

 Class 12 

English Project 


Indianization of a Story

Project Work


Indianization of Oscar Wilde's Story

"The Happy Prince"

______________(school name)______________________

____________(school address)______________________

Project Work

Submitted by

Name of the Student

Roll No.


Registration No.


In partial fulfillment to class XII English Course



This project has given me golden opportunity for learning and self-development through collaborative activities. I want to thank respected Mr./Mrs.___________________to whom I owe specially for preparing this project based on the beautiful story, entitled "The Happy Prince" written by Oscar Wilde.

I do want to extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends, parents and others who helped me in various ways to make a final draft of this work and submit the same to our school.

Signature of the student


Page 2


This is to certify that this Project Report entitled Indianization of Oscar Wilde's short story "The Happy Prince" submitted by__________Class XII Roll No._____

Registration No.__________________Year_____submitted in partial fulfillment to class XII English Course during the academic year 2021-2022 is a bonafied record of project work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Signature of the Project Guide


Designation: Assistant teacher

Department: English


Page 3


(1) Introduction. Page ____

(2) Procedures and Input. Page__

(3) Out of the project. Page_____

(4) Conclusion. Page____

(5) References/Bibliography Page____


1. Introduction

1.1 Project in our syllabus:

As per the new syllabus, Project work has been included as a part of the curriculum. We have made the choice according to the availability of works.

1.2 Objectives:

(i) finding out the structural divisions of a story.

(ii) visualising the story in Indian context.

(iii) adding Indian flavour to the strong.

(iv) taking more of the characters in Indian context.

1.3 Guiding Principle:

(i) We should try to locate its difference from Indian cultures.

(ii) Then we must try to fit in the writing in to Indian context. (iii) We should use our daily life experience of Indian culture and society by adding enough Indian words.

1.4 Limitations

(i) The duration for the entire project was only ten periods.

(ii) It took a long time to select the exact piece of writing which could be transformed.

(iii) For this particular project, group work doesn't help much as it demands individual imagination and not a number of opinions.


2. Procedures and Input:

For the Indianization of Oscar Wilde's story 'Happy Prince' we worked in groups and sometimes in pairs through a systematic process. Our teacher fixed 10 interventions for carrying out the project. The details of our activities are enumerated below:

First intervention: On the first day, we chose the prose piece 'Happy Prince' written by Oscar Wilde. We planned that a rich theatrical script can be made to develop from this prose piece. Then we went through the main events of the story and studied the characters and setting.

Second intervention: On the second day, we explored the behavioral types of each of the characters.

Third intervention: On the fourth day, we were divided into groups and the story was divided into different parts. Then we started writing dialogues. Our teacher sketched the necessary improvisations and modifications.

Fourth intervention: On the fifth day developed a draft script as per the instructions that were given by our teacher.

Fifth intervention: On the sixth day, we distributed copies of the draft script to each group and the instruction was to go through the script. We incorporated a number of dialogues and erased some of them according to the suggestions made by the teacher for a better impact.

 Sixth intervention: Roles were distributed through tests. Then short listed students were asked to read out their script roles.


Seventh intervention: On the seventh day, the copy of the final script was distributed to each student. Rehearsal of the drama started. Some students were given off-stage duties like playing music, preparing the stage, arranging props etc. our teacher was unanimously selected the director to conduct the rehearsal.

Eighth intervention: On the eighth day, a rehearsal was performed without taking help of the script and further improvements were made in our acting skills.

Ninth intervention: On the ninth day, the drama was performed in our school auditorium. We were asked to evaluate the performance. This was given as our Homework.

Tenth intervention: We read out the evaluation report of the performance and then a general discussion started. Finally the Project Report was submitted for evaluation.


3. Output of the Project:

Final implementation of the project Indianization of an English Short Story & The Happy Rajah (Abridged and Altered):

Once in our country there lived a Rajah who was fond of hunting birds with his bow and arrow in the forest. Oneday he went to the forest all alone and happened to come across a flight of parrot on top of a tree. No sooner had he aimed his arrow at the birds tha they Sensed a danger and flew away in panic. Only one of their playmates, Hiramon stoo still. The Rajah was so much moved by the colour and beauty of the bird that he did no kill it. Hiramon came down and said to the Rajah, "Will you give me shelter in you house?"

At first the Rajah did not agree and told him to stay beside the marble statu outside the gate of his house. He said. "You can stay inside the house during the day but at nigh you stay beside the statue". "Whose statue is it?" asked Hiramon. The Rajah said, "I built it myself over the years. It

was made of costly marble, although I had not drained all the resources from the treasury of my state."

Page 8

Hinamon stayed inside the house throughout the day, yet at of the Rajah in th the feet of the huge statue. At night he Sensed the pangs of loneliness of the Rajah in the groaning noise of the breeze and the hooting of the owl presaging disaster of the country for want of proper heir to the throne. Oneday Hiramon came to sing a song at the Rajah's palace and mesmerised him with his melodious voice. The Rajah was so pleased that he told him, "Don't fly away and leave me alone. Inspite of my riches I am really alone. If you desert me, I'll die. Will you be my messenger?"

Hiramon, the little bird was moved to tears, seeing the misery of the Rajah. Although his other friends had left him, he could not forget the Rajah and became his messenger. One day the Rajah told him to go to Natibpur and visit Rahim chach's house. Rahim's chacha was a marginal farmer and he had been starving for many days. So the Rajah said, I can neither sleep at night nor I find peace at home until I get to know how Rahim chacha is." Then Hiramon flew away over the meadow and passed by the temple. He passed over the market and school building. He saw a vast paddy field where many farmers could not produce crops for want of rain. At last Hiramon came to Rahim chacha's home and discovered him lying sick on the bed. He was about to die from hunger. Hiramon began his magical song with his mellifluous voice to make Rahini chacha feel little better than before. But his eyes were so heavy with distress that he sank into sleep. As soon as the Rajah knew about the object misery of Rahim chacha, he went to his ante-chamber and brought out a handful of gold coins in a small bag. 

Page 9

Then he requested Hiraman to give it to Rahim chacha. "I don't want any of the farmers of my country to die from hunger and poverty", the Rajah said. Hiraman immediately flew up to Rohim's chacha's home and let the small bag beside his pillow and came back to the Rajah to narrate what he had done. The Rajah remarked, " Oh, you've really done a wonderful job."

Alter a couple of days the Rajah came to know from one of his neighbours that a patient had been suffering from an incurable disease in the village, Ratikantapur. Her daughter had been begging from door to door only to raise fund for the treatment of her ailing mother for the treatment of Soon the Rajah summoned Hiramon, brought in a bagful of jewels from the vault of his house and told the bird to give it to the poor girl. Hiramon flew away and came to the room of the little girl through a little hole of the ventilator. He saw the little girl keeping her head between her knees. Hiramon put the bag down and flew away. When the girl found it, she could not hold back her tears and said, "I cannot but feel happy for the grace of God".

Hiramon returned to the Rajah and described what he had heard and Hiramon returned to the Rajah and described what he had heard and seen on his way to the little girl's home. Hiramon and the Rajah became so intimate that one could not live without the other. One day the Rajah looked sad and depressed. He was wandering in the verandah of his house. Hiramon came to him and said, "Why do you look so upset?" The Rajah said, "One of my courtiers have informed me that an old man is shelterless as his wicked son has driven him out. I can give no more this day than these silver coins from my savings. Will you give it to the old man?"

Hirannon said, Where does he live?" "It is in the village,

Gadhadharpur." Hiramon obeyed as he was commanded. 

Page 10

But he could not trace out the old man anywhere. He was sad. While returning to the Rajah, he suddenly discovered an aged man leaning his back against the statue of the Rajah. Hiramon fluttered his wings over his head and said in an almost inaudible voice, "May you be saved with the bagful of silver coin I'm keeping here." The old man was extremely happy to get his bag and thanked God for his munificence.

Meanwhile Hiraman fell severely ill and had no hope to survive in adverse situation. He was unable to hear the hardship anymore and passed away. The Rajah also could not endure the pain of seperation and courted a premature death. Later the zamindars of the village subiects and courtiers came to see the statue. It stood in solitude, expressing the meaninglessness of human pride. It remained broken and disjoined and there was none to look after it.

4. Conclusion

Indianization of an English story offered us a great scope to learn in detail about the process of writing a story in view of the Indian context and made us learn diverse aspects of literature. We discovered the art of classroom management and rudimentary principles of Indianizing a story.

Project -2

Project Work


Fictitious Interview of an Eminent Person, Sourav Ganguly

______________(school name)______________________

____________(school address)______________________

Project Work

Submitted by

Name of the Student

Roll No.


Registration No.


In partial fulfillment to class XII English Course



This project has given me golden opportunity for learning and self-development through collaborative activities. I want to thank respected Mr./Mrs.

to whom I owe specially for preparing this project based on "An Interview of an Eminent Person", Sourav Ganguly, a former cricketer cum Captain in Indian Cricket Team.

I do want to extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends, parents and others who helped me in various ways to make a final draft of this work and submit the same to our school.

Signature of the student


Page 2


This is to certify that this Project Report entitled "An Interview of An Eminent Person, Sourav Ganguly, a former cricketer cum Captain in Indian Cricket Team" submitted by__________Class XII Roll No._____Registration No.__________________Year_____submitted in partial fulfillment to class XII English Course during the academic year 2021-2022 is a bonafied record of project work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Signature of the Project Guide


Designation: Assistant teacher

Department: English


Page 3


(1) Introduction. Page

(2) Procedures and Input. Page

(3) Out of the project. Page

(4) Conclusion. Page

(5) References/Bibliography Page


An interview could be a speech communication wherever queries area unit asked and answers area unit given. In common formulation, the word "interview" refers to a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee. The enquirer asks inquiries to that the respondent responds, usually so information may be transferred from interviewee to interviewer (and any other audience of the interview). Sometimes, information can be transferred in both directions. It is a communication, unlike a speech, which produces a one-way flow of knowledge.

1.1 Project in our syllabus:

As per the new syllabus, Project work has been included as a part of the curriculum. We have created the selection per the provision of works.

1.2 Objectives: We will be capable of (i) Identifying the characters, plots in the story

(ii) Dramatizing the story as a play by writing dialogue and adding dramatizing elements.

1.3 Guiding Principle:

(i) A narrative may be remodeled into a drama by adding dramatic components.

(ii) Every portion may be increased by giving correct dialogue to the


1.4 Limitations:

(1) The period for the whole project was solely 10 periods.

(ii)We don't know much about a full-length drama.

(iii) Before this project, we tend to didn't have a lot of plan regarding dramas. So, our notion regarding this specific style was terribly restricted.

2. Procedures and Input:

For the project entitled "An Interview of an Eminent Person, Sourav Ganguly" we worked in groups and sometimes in pairs through a systematic process. Our teacher mounted ten interventions for making the project effective. The details of our activities are enumerated below:

First intervention: On the first day, we chose the subject "An Interview of an Eminent Person, Sourav Ganguly". We planned that a rich pleasant script can be made to develop step by step. Then we went through the main events of the interview and studied the characters and setting.

Second intervention: On the second day, we explored the behavioral types of each of the characters.

Third intervention:On the third day, we were divided into groups and the story was divided into different parts. Then we started writing dialogues. Our teacher sketched the necessary improvisations and modifications.

Fourth intervention:On the fourth day,we developed a draft script as per the directions that got by our teacher.

Fifth intervention: On the fifth day, we distributed copies of the draft script to each group and the instruction was to go through the script. We incorporated a number of dialogues and erased some of them according to the suggestions made by the teacher for a better impact.

Sixth intervention:On the sixth day, Roles were distributed through tests. Then short listed students were asked to read out their script roles

Seventh intervention: On the seventh day, the copy of the final script was distributed to each student. Rehearsal of the drama started. Some students got off-stage duties like taking part in music, preparing the stage, arranging props etc. our teacher were unanimously selected the director to conduct the rehearsal.

Eighth intervention: On the eighth day, a rehearsal was performed while not taking facilitate of the script and any enhancements were created in our acting skills.

Ninth intervention: On the ninth day, the drama was performed in our school auditorium. We were asked to evaluate the performance. This was given as our Homework.

Tenth intervention: We read out the evaluation report of the performance and then a general discussion started. Finally the Project Report was submitted for evaluation.

3. Output of the Project:

Interviewer: You are spending a lot of time on the outfield on top of your scheduled time as the president of the CAB. So what is your future plans regarding Bengal's cricket?

Sourav Ganguly: I believe that groundwork is very important. And we attempt to give to the simplest of coaching and supervision to the foremost important Bengal cricketers in our Vision Twenty20. Experts like Laxman, Sekhar and Muralitharan has been roped in for this. We have some well-performing cricketers on our hands now. The Ranji Trophy tournament has yielded positive results for us, if only our last match had gone well then we'd have ended up because the leading team in our group. The team has not performed well in the Hazare Trophy, but we were quite successful in the 4 ODIs. I believe that if players who display an excellent amount of potential are selected and provided the specified facilities then positive results are sure to come our way. And CAB'S job is to provide these facilities.

Interviewer: Through you're saying and what quite initiatives the CAB are taking it's well understood that Sourav Ganguly has appropriated because the captain of the ship. Am I right?

Sourav Ganguly: This is a place to play and the association exists with the sole purpose of organizing games. When we had played in our days the then CAB authorities had tried to supply us the simplest of cricketing facilities. But during those days opportunities were scarce and investments were hard to come by. But now we have both. So the cricketing skills and temperament of our players are going to be placed on the test and can evidently be developed as a results of playing different, high profile matches in various and tough conditions. In this year itself we had played a pre-season match in Sri Lanka and that we have reaped the advantages of it within the Ranji Trophy. I believe that our players will never improve if they do not play against players who are better than them. I want to send the Bengal team to England next year. It will be expensive but still let's see what can be done.

Interviewer: Are you channelling your attention to cultivating any particular type of cricketer: Fast bowler or batsman?

Sourav Ganguly: We are trying to give our attention in all the areas of Cricket. Laxman is for batting. T.A. Sekhar is for fast bowling and Muralitharan is for spin bowling. Cricketing talents like Amir Dani or Sudipto Pramanik are being cultivated.

Interviewer: The Indian-subcontinent isn't so good for pace-bowling, isn't it?

Sourav Ganguly: We are not lacking in skill. It's our perspective that we must change. Bowlers like Mohammad Sami, Umesh Jadav are bowling in the 140s and 150s mark. We have some good pace bowlers. Dinda is bowling really fast, there's a boy named Mukesh and there's Virpratap. There are a few of promising fellows in the U-19 squad too. Only our attitude must be changed. If we are conscious about it then change is possible.

Interviewer: Vision Twenty 20 means results are going to be obtained within 2023?

Sourav Ganguly: No. The name exists for its sake itself. There is no time limit. It is an ongoing process.

Interviewer: Now tell me something about the Indian side?

Sourav Ganguly: They are about to go to Australia. Our team is a young team, browsing a transitional phase. They will take a while to adopt to the varied conditions. In our own country we were successful 30 years ago and that we still are. We always win on our turning tracks. But it will take some time to be successful in all sorts of pitches.

Interviewer: How is Rohit as a captain?

Sourav Ganguly: He is successful till now. He has played 2 series till now, but if we start comparing him with Dhoni at all. then it won't be fair. He should play at least one and a half to two years and only then he should be judged. As a player he is outstanding.

Interviewer: What are India's prospects in the 2023 Cricket World Cup?

Sourav Ganguly: The world cup is still four years from now on. A lot of time. Nothing can be said right now. The tournament will be held in England. India will surely play well. But who knows what is going to be the team composition 4 years later.

Interviewer: Isn't it safe to assume that Dhoni will not be in the squad 4 years later?

Sourav Ganguly: No, tough to say. Everybody's body is not the same. He may be able to continue till then. But nothing can be said right now. 4 years is a lot of time. Most of the youngsters will stay. And by that point our Wriddhi also will mature as an ODI player.

Interviewer: Are Twenty20 matches harming cricket?

Sourav Ganguly: No I don't believe that. Just another saleable format, revenue earning format. This is the format which can actually keep all the opposite formats alive. I believe that test cricket is that the original format where the temperament of the players are put to the test. But the modern cricketer must adopt himself according to all the various formats. If he cannot suits the 20-20 format then he will lag behind financially. And that in turn will harm the cricketer even more.

Interviewer: It is true that test cricket is the platform where the temperament of the players is put to the test. But can the temperament also be tested by monitoring whether or not that player is able to adjust to the Twenty20 format?

Sourav Ganguly: Why not? Virat Kohli can, New Zealand team's Kane Williamson can, Steve Smith of Australia can.

Interviewer: How can they adjust? Any special skill or technique?

Sourav Ganguly: Technique is essential in all formats of the game. But thevsecret to their success is that they are being able to mentally adopt a lot more efficiently.

Interviewer: If being modern is the key then why does the Indian DRS (Division Reserve System) not follow this? After all you also.....

Sourav Ganguly: Many things are not foolproof. But my experience with the DRS is very bad. Yes, if the umpires make a mistake then it can be rectified. But it's not always accurate. It would be better if ball tracker is employed rather than DRS.

Interviewer: Why is that?

Sourav Ganguly: If the ball tracker is used in case of a Bat-pad catch or a caught behind the wicket then we can always get an accurate result. But if the DRS is used then the chance of making a judgmental error increases.

Interviewer: You have said that the modern format of cricket will keep the original format alive. So what are your thoughts on ISL?

Sourav Ganguly: ISL has rekindled my passion for football. I was pleased to ascertain the Salt lake stadium full of 70 thousand audiences within the gallery. There is no East Bengal and Mohun Bagan match and yet there are 70 thousand people inside the stadium, it's a fantastic thing.

Interviewer: A lot of people are saying that the quality of the Indian players has improved. But again a lot of people are also criticizing it. Sourav Ganguly: Indian players are bound to improve. No matter how much criticism they are facing if the game is not commercially sound improvement of the players is not possible. Look at what is happening with Kabaddi. Who had thought that players like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal will play games in India? East Bengal and Mohun Bagan are struggling to find sponsors. It's simply a result of bad marketing.

Interviewer: The public image of the sports authorities in India is not very good. Your juniors have grown up considering you as their role model but now that you have stepped into the role of management they might begin to dislike you. What do you think about that?

Sourav Ganguly: I have got this responsibility. This is my opportunity to do something good for the game. I have almost forgotten the last time I had played for the CAB League. If I had not got this responsibility then things Vision Twenty20 wouldn't be possible. Whatever I am doing, I am doing it for the game and it's an honour. This job is not my most favourite job in the world. Still I am using this opportunity to do as much good I can for the game. T20 world cup is coming, the final match will be held in Eden. You should come and see that Eden has changed. Everything ranging from the outfield to the scoreboard will be functioning in a better condition.

Sourav Ganguly: Technique is essential in all formats of the game. But thevsecret to their success is that they are being able to mentally adopt a lot more efficiently.

Interviewer: If being modern is the key then why does the Indian DRS (Division Reserve System) not follow this? After all you also.....

Sourav Ganguly: Many things are not foolproof. But my experience with the DRS is very bad. Yes, if the umpires make a mistake then it can be rectified. But it's not always accurate. It would be better if ball tracker is employed rather than DRS.

Interviewer: Why is that?

Sourav Ganguly: If the ball tracker is used in case of a Bat-pad catch or a caught behind the wicket then we can always get an accurate result. But if the DRS is used then the chance of making a judgmental error increases.

Interviewer: You have said that the modern format of cricket will keep the original format alive. So what are your thoughts on ISL?

Sourav Ganguly: ISL has rekindled my passion for football. I was pleased to ascertain the Salt lake stadium full of 70 thousand audiences within the gallery. There is no East Bengal and Mohun Bagan match and yet there are 70 thousand people inside the stadium, it's a fantastic thing.

Interviewer: A lot of people are saying that the quality of the Indian players has improved. But again a lot of people are also criticizing it. Sourav Ganguly: Indian players are bound to improve. No matter how much criticism they are facing if the game is not commercially sound improvement of the players is not possible. Look at what is happening with Kabaddi. Who had thought that players like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal will play games in India? East Bengal and Mohun Bagan are struggling to find sponsors. It's simply a result of bad marketing.

Interviewer: The public image of the sports authorities in India is not very good. Your juniors have grown up considering you as their role model but now that you have stepped into the role of management they might begin to dislike you. What do you think about that?

Sourav Ganguly: I have got this responsibility. This is my opportunity to do something good for the game. I have almost forgotten the last time I had played for the CAB League. If I had not got this responsibility then things Vision Twenty20 wouldn't be possible. Whatever I am doing, I am doing it for the game and it's an honour. This job is not my most favourite job in the world. Still I am using this opportunity to do as much good I can for the game. T20 world cup is coming, the final match will be held in Eden. You should come and see that Eden has changed. Everything ranging from the outfield to the scoreboard will be functioning in a better condition.

Interviewer: The kind of confidence you are exuding as management personnel are you aiming to become the BCCI president anytime soon? Sourav Ganguly: I have duties elsewhere. I have a young family. So right now my priority is Bengal cricket and its development.

4. Conclusion:

The Project entitled, "An Interview of an Eminent Person, Sourav Ganguly, a former cricketer cum Captain in Indian Cricket Team" offered us a great scope to learn in detail about the process of writing an interview in view of the Indian context and made us learn diverse aspects of literature. We discovered the art of classroom management and rudimentary principles of writing an interview.

5. Bibliography:


2. Ganguly

3. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary by A.S. Hornby, Oxford University Press

4. Kavoori, Anandam P. (2009). "The logics of globalization: studies in international communication". Rowman & Littlefield. 

ISBN 0-7391-2184-7.

5.Datta, Debashish (2007). "Sourav Ganguly, the maharaja of cricket".

Niyogi Books. ISBN 81-89738-20-8.


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