Proposal long question Test

 Proposal long question Test



Time-24 minutes


Answer any 2 questions:-(2×6=12)

1-“If you like, I’ll make you a present of them.” – Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? What would the speaker make a present of? Why did the speaker say so? [1+1+1+3 = 6] 

2- “Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here.” – Who says this and to whom? When is this said? What impression of the speaker can be formed from this comment? [1+1+2+2 = 6]

3-Describe the character of chubukov as an sensible father. [6] 

4-Justify the title of the play 'The Proposal.(6)


Answer any 2 questions:-(6×2=12)

1.“I have been hoping for it for a long time.” – Who is the speaker? What does ‘it’ refer to? How did the speaker come to know about it? What more did the speaker say in this context? [1+1+1+3 = 6] 

2.“Go there is a merchant come for his goods.” – Who said this and to whom? Who is the merchant? What is referred to as goods? In what way does it bring out the attitude of the person and the society at the time?  [2+1+1+2 = 6] 

3.“She is like a love-sick cat.” – Who said this about whom? Analyse the character of the person, referred to here, under the light of the comment above. [1+1+4 = 6]


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