HS ENGLISH Important questions for 2023


 Important questions

 for 2023


The Eyes Have It:

1. “But her next question removed my doubts” – Who said this and about whom? What were the doubts of the speaker? What was the next question? How were his doubts removed?

2. “Yes, this is the best time.” – Who said this? What is the best time according to the speaker? Give the occasion of the remark? Why does the speaker think so?

3. “Oh, how lucky you are.” – Who said this? Who was considered to be lucky and why? How did the person react to the above remark?

4. “Few girls can resist flattery.” – Who made this remark? What was flattery? Why did the speaker say so? How did the person spoken to accept the flattery?

5. “Then I made a mistake.” – What ‘mistake’ did the speaker make? What removed the speaker’s doubts? What did the speaker do then?

6. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie”. What was the reverie? What was the reverie? How was the reverie broken?

7. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.” – Who is the speaker? Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were the eyes useless to her? Bring out the irony in this line.

8. “You must be disappointed.” – Who said this and to whom? When did the person say this? Why did he say this?

9)” The voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream ” – Who said this ? Whose voice is referred to here ? Why did the voice become so splendid to the speaker . 

10)” It could be a fascinating game , guessing what went on out there ” -Who is the speaker ? What was the fascinating game ? What was the impact of the game on the speaker’s life ? 

11)” Are you going all the way to Dehra ? ” Who asked the question and to whom ? Where did the speaker go to ? What was the reaction and reply of the question ? 

12.)".....the girl got up and began to collect her things." [H.S.2019] -Who is the girl? when did she get up? Why did she get up to collect her things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl?

Ans. The girl is the fellow traveller of the narrator. 

         She got up when the carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm.

         She got up to collect her things because the train was about to reach her destination station Saharanpur. 

         When the narrator informed the girl that her station will arrive soon, she felt quite relieved. On the contrary the narrator was ready to sit in the compartment for any length of time just to hear the girl talking. The journey that was cherished by him was of little importance to her. This differing emotion made the narrator feel that she would forget their brief encounter.


13)"It often happens that people with good eyesight often fail to see what is right in front of them." - Who made this remark? Explain the above statement. 

14)".....my voice startled her." - Who was the speaker here? Who is men- tioned as "her" ? Why was she "startled" by the voice of the speaker? What did she do afterward?

15)"You have an interesting face". - who said this? To whom was it spoken? when did the speaker make this remark? What was the reaction of the person spoken to ?"

16)"She was completely blind. Didn't your notices". - Who said this to whom? when was this said? Explain the irony in the line.

17)"She would forget our brief encounter."- (i) Who said this and about whom? (ii) What is the brief encounter referred to here? Why did the speaker think so?

18)"She was an interesting girl" (i) Who said this to whom and when? (ii) What else did the person say? (iii)What reply did he get.?(HS-2018)

19)I'm tired of people felling me I have a pretty face." [H.S. 2020]who said this, to whom and when? What did the person spoken to reply?

Three questions 

1. Why did the Tsar decide to meet the hermit and how did he visit him? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar met him?

2. What did the Tsar promise the bearded man? How many times did the Tsar ask the hermit for an answer?

3. How did the bearded man become the Tsar’s friend?

4. How did the Tsar save the life of the wounded man?

5. “Forgive me!’ said the bearded man in a weak voice.” – Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did the man ask forgiveness?

6. “You have already been answered” – Who said this and to whom? How has the person referred to been answered?

7. “Here comes someone running” – Who said this? Who was coming? Why did he come running? What happened to him?


The Proposal 

1. “I’ve come to ask the hand of your daughter….in marriage” – Who said this and to whom? Who was the daughter? What was the immediate reaction of the father on hearing “The Proposal”?

2. “You’re not a neighbour, you’re a grabber.” – Whop said this and to whom? Why did the speaker say this?

3. Justify “The Proposal” as a satire. *

3. “He has come to borrow money! Shall not give him any..” – Who is the speaker? What makes him say this? What features of the character are revealed here?

4. “But you forget that he is overshot.” – What was spoken about? Whom did it belong? For how much was it bought? What is the meaning of overshot? what did its owner consider it to be? *

5. Why did Lomov decide to marry Natalya?

6. How responsible a father is Chubukov?

7. Characters of Natalya, Chubukov and Lomov. *

8. How is the theme of marriage dealt in the play “The Proposal”?

9. Theme of the play “The Proposal”.

10. “She’s like a love-sick cat.” – Who is the speaker? Whom does ‘she’ refer to? In what context does the speaker say so? How far, do you think, is the statement correct? *

11. What picture of social life is presented in the play “The Proposal”? *


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