Class 11 Poetry Test

 Poetry Test




GROUP-A (Attempt Any 2 questions){5×2=10}

1- “And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,

   Than the two hearts beating each to each!” – Whose voice is referred to here? Why is the voice full of joy and fear? Describe the meeting.

[1+2+2 = 5] 

2-Describe after Wordsworth, the city of London as given in the poem, ‘Upon Westminster Bright’.? [5]

3-Give an account of the lover’s journey to his beloved in ‘Meeting at Night’.[5]

4-‘Dull would he be of soul….’

 – Who says this and where? Who prompts the poet to say this? What does the poet want to convey here?

 [2+1+2 = 5]


5- ‘Dull would he be of soul’. – Who would be called a ‘dull of soul’?

6-Which city does the poet refer to in the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’?

7-What garment did the city wear?

8-Who announces daybreak in the poem ‘Daybreak’ ? 

9- What did the wind touch in the poem ‘Daybreak’ ?



10-In ‘Daybreak’, the wind speaks like a human being. This is an example of –

a) allusion

b) metaphor

c) personification

d) simile

11-The meaning of ‘daybreak’ is –

a) day

b) evening

c) morning

d) dawn.

12-The poem Meeting At Night is a/an -

(a)- Nature poem

(b)- Love poem

(c)- Satirical poem

(d)- None of the above

13-. “a voice less loud”—the voice is of the—

a) lover 

b) poet

 c) beloved 

d) wind 

14-The ‘mighty heart’ refers to—

a) sun 

b) river 

c) hills 

d) London.


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