Class -11 Prose Test

 Class -11 Prose Test

Prose Test




GROUP-A (Any two)(5×2=10)

1. "In any case, we couldn't have kept a criminal like him in the house." Who is the speaker? Whom does "criminal" refer to? What message is conveyed by this sentence in the story?

2-How do Mr. & Mrs.Sivasanker react to Leela's missing chain?How does Leela herself react?

3)What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did Jimmy open there? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore? [1+1+3 = 5] 

4) “Mr Ralph D. Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes.” – Who is Ralph D. Spencer? What is Phoenix? Why has the comparison been made? [1+2+2 = 5]


5)The chain was put in the tamarind pot by —

(a) Sidda (b) Leela (c) Sivasanker (d) Leela’s mother.

6) ‘Sir Mohan Lal smoothed his Balliol tie for umpteenth time.”  Here “umpteenth time” means.

(a) Fourteen times

 (b) Fifteen time 

(c) sixteen time.     

 (d) A number of times.

7). Lady Mohan Lal was aged —

 (a) between 30 and 40. (b) between 40 and 50.

 (c) between 50 and 60. (d) none. 

8) “The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's sang-froid.” Here sang-froid means — (a) position. (b) mental calm. (c) thoughts. (d) appearance. 

9)Sir Mohan lal had lived abroad for

(a)  Four years             

      (b) Five years            

        (c) Six years                      

  (d) Eight years.


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