Cbse class 7 civics


 Chapter 9 Life in the Temperate Grasslands

1. Answer the following questions briefly.

What are the Temperate Grasslands of North America called?

What are the cattle farms in the North American Grasslands known as?

Name the rivers that drain the velds.

When is the rainy season in the Velds.

What is the major occupation of the people of the South African grasslands?


1-The Temperate Grasslands of North America are called Prairies.

2-The cattle farms in the North American grasslands are known as Ranches.

3-The names of the rivers which drain the velds are:

River Orange

River Limpopo

Their tributaries.

4-The rainy season in the velds is from November to February.

5-The major occupation of the people of the South African grasslands is Sheep Rearing.

2. Tick the correct answer:

(a) River Mississippi drains

(i) Canada(ii) Africa(iii) USA.

(b) Drakensberg Mountainsare to the west of 

(i) Prairies(ii) Velds(iii) Pampas.

(c) Merino is a species of

(i) Fish(ii) Elephant(iii) Sheep.

(d) Kimberley is famous for

(i) diamonds (ii)silver (iii) platinum.

Answer: (a)—(iii), (b)—(ii), (c)—(iii),(d)—(i)

3. Match the following:

(i) Comboys (a)Iron and Steel

(ii) Gold (b)Prairies

(iii) Kudu (c)Hot wind

(iv) Chinook (d)Velds

(v) Coal (e)Johannesberg (f)Animal

Answer: (i)—(b), (ii)—(e), (iii)—(f), (iv)—(c), (v)—a

4. Give reasons:

1)The Prairies are known as the ‘Granaries of the world’.

2)Rise of the wool industry in the Velds.


1)The Prairies are known as the ‘Granaries of the World’ because of the following reasons:

*Prairies grasslands have been cleared and wheat is grown extensively on these plains.

*The use of tractors, harvesters, etc. and modem technologies have made the wheat production surplus:

*Prairies supply wheat all over the world.

*They satisfy the hunger of millions of people spread all over the world.

2)Rise of the wool industry in the Velds. The reasons responsible for this rise are the following:

*Sheep rearing is the most important occupation of the people of the Velds grasslands.

*Sheep are bred mainly for wool. Hence wool availability is in ample quantity.

*The Merino wool is of the best quality.

*Further merino wool is very warm.

*Merino wool and woolen garments are in great demand all over the world.

 Understanding Media

1. In what ways does media play an important role in a democracy?

Answer: Media play an important role in democracy in the following ways:

They make the masses know about certain issues/problems.

They propagate the policies and programmes of the government.

They also criticise the unpopular policies and programmes of the government.

They help in forming the opinion of the masses.

They also report various crimes and mishappenings, accidents, etc.

The media also announce the opinions of the public about certain issues/problems etc.


1. Name various forms of communication.

Answer: Radio, television, newspapers, the Internet.

2. What does the word ‘media’ mean?

Answer: Radio, television, newspapers, the Internet, and several other forms of communication are collectively known as media

3. Mention any one positive aspect of television.

Answer: Television has enabled us to think of ourselves as members of a larger global world.

4. Mention one way in which the mass media earns money.

Answer: The mass media earns money by advertising different things like cars, clothes, tea, etc.

5.Why are some advertisements shown repeatedly on the television screen? [V. Imp.]

Answer: Same advertisements are shown repeatedly on the television screen just to make people’s minds to go out and buy what is advertised.

6. What are the various ways through which people express their dissatisfaction to any of the government’s decision which does not go in their favour?

Answer: They do so by writing letters to the concerned minister, organising a public protest, starting a signature campaign and asking the government to rethink its programme, etc.

7. What do you mean by a balanced report? [V. Imp.]

Answer: A balanced report is one that discusses all points of view of a particular story and then leaves it to the readers to make up their minds.

8. Why is it necessary for the media to be independent?

Answer: Only then media can write a balanced report.

9. Why does media sometimes focus on a particular aspect of a story?

Answer: It is because the media believes that this will make the story interesting.

10. What does the media’s close relationship with business often mean?

Answer: It means that the media will fail to give a balanced report.

Long question 

1. Most television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses. Why? [V. Imp.]

Answer: The technologies that mass media use keep changing and so a lot of money is spent on getting the latest technology. The TV studio in which the newsreader sits has lights, cameras, sound recorders, transmission satellites etc. All of these cost a lot of money.

One thing more, it is not only the newsreader who needs to be paid but also a number of other people who help put the broadcast together. Due to these costs, mass media needs a great deal of money to do its various works. As a result, most television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses.

2. What do you mean by an independent media? Why is it important for the media to be independent? [V. Imp.]

Answer: An independent media means that no one should control and influence its coverage of news. No one should tell the media what can be included and what should not be included in a news story. It means that the media should not be under any one’s pressure. It will be totally independent. An independent media is very important because it is on the basis of the information that the media provides that we take action as citizens. Hence, it essential that this information is reliable. It should be biased at all.

Civics Social Science Chapter 8 Markets Around Us

1. In what ways is a hawker different from a shop owner?

Answer: A hawker provides door to door service. He sells his goods by calling out the names of his items. He generally owns a the which we may call a movable shop and keeps in it different items of our everyday use. He sells his goods at a minimum profit.

A shop owner runs his shop at one fixed place. Whenever we need anything we go there and purchase it. Here, we get things at a somewhat costlier rate.

4. ‘All persons have equal rights to visit any shop in a marketplace.’ Do you think this is true of shops with expensive products? Explain with examples.

Answer: It is true that all persons have equal rights to visit any shop in the marketplace. But this is not true of shops with expensive products. It is because of the following:

People with high incomes can buy expensive products. Hence, these people go to the shops with expensive products and not the poor or people with low income.

The low-income group people visit the shops or weekly markets to buy goods as these goods are available at cheaper rates.


People with high income buy green vegetables from multiplexes or malls while poor people purchase green vegetables from small vegetable sellers or from hawkers.

5. ‘Buying and selling can take place without going to a marketplace’. Explain this statement with the help of examples.


It is correct that buying and selling can take place without going to a market place. It is done in the following manner.


We can order goods that we need over the telephone and get their delivery.

Over the internet, we can visit the concerned website and order the products.

We can pay through internet banking or on the delivery of goods.


1. Why is a weekly market called so?

Answer: A weekly market is called so because it is held a specific day of the week.

2. Why is there a competition among the shops in the weekly market? [V. Imp.]

Answer: In the weekly market there are many shops that sell the same goods. This creates competition among them.

3.Why do we not buy directly from the producer? [V. Imp.]

Answer: It is because the producer is not interested in selling goods in small quantities. 9*

4. Who is a retailer? [Imp.]

Answer: A retailer is a small trader who buys goods from the wholesale trader and sells this to the consumer.


2. What is the job of a wholesale trader? [V. Imp.]

Answer: A wholesale trader buys goods from the producer in large quantities. He then sells them to other traders, say small traders. These small traders sell different items to the final consumer. Thus, the wholesale trader establishes link between the producer and the consumer. It is through these links of traders that goods reach faraway places.

3. How are shop owners in a weekly market and those in a shopping complex very different people? [V. Imp.]

Answer: Both are undoubtedly different people.

(a) The shop owners in a weekly market are small traders who run their shop with little money. On the other hand, the shop owners of a shopping complex are big parties. They have a lot of money to spend on their shops.

(b) What these two types of shop owners earn is also not equal. The weekly market trader earns little compared to the profit of a regular shop owner in a shopping complex.


1. Do you see equality in the market? If not, why not? Explain with examples.[V. Imp.]


Write in brief on ‘market and equality’.

Answer: We do not see equality in the market. Big and powerful business persons earn huge profits while small traders earn very little. For example, the shop owners in a weekly market and those in a shopping complex are two different people. One is a small trader who has little money to run the shop. Whereas the other has a lot of money to spend on the shop. The earning of these two people is also unequal. The weekly market trader earns little profit whereas the shopping complex owner gains huge income.

Not only the shop owners are different people, but also the buyers. In the market we see different types of buyers There are several buyers who Eire not able to afford even the cheapest of goods white others are busy shopping for different luxurious items in malls. Thus, we see no equality in the market place.

Class 7 Civics Social Science

 Chapter 9 

A Shirt in the Market

1. Did Swapna get a fair price on the cotton?

Answer: No. Swapna did not get a fair price on the cotton. The local trader paid her low price.

2. Why did the trader pay Swapna a low price?

Answer: The trader had lent Swapna money at the beginning of the cropping season on a condition that she would sell all her cotton to him. Thus, Swapna was in his grip. The trader took advantage of this situation and paid her a low price.

4. What are the following people doing at the Erode cloth market—merchants, weavers, exporters?

Answer: Merchants. They supply cloth on order to garment manufactures and exporters around the country. They purchase the yam and give instructions to the weavers about the kind of cloth that is to be made.

Weavers. They make cloth and bring this to the Erode cloth market for sale. They also make cloth on order from the merchant.

Exporters. They use the cloth to make shirts to export them to foreign buyers.

5. In what ways are weavers dependent on cloth merchants?

Answer: Weavers are dependent on cloth merchants for raw materials and markets.

6. If the weavers were to buy yam on their own and sell cloth, they would probably earn three times more. Do you think this is possible? How? Discuss.

Answer: In such a situation the weavers would definitely earn more. They would buy yam at the lowest possible price and would sell cloth at the highest possible price. They would select the market of their choice for better price.

7. You might have heard of cooperatives in your area. It could be in milk, provisions, paddy, etc. Find out for whose benefit they were set up?

Answer: They were set up for the benefit of those who were in want of capital.

8. What are the demands foreign buyers make on the garment exporters? Why do the garment exporters agree to these demands?

Answer: They demand the lowest prices from the garment exporters.

They set high standards for quality of production and timely delivery. Any defects or delays in delivery in dealt with strictly.

The garment exporters agree to these demands because they are able to gain maximum profits even after that.

9. How do the garment exporters meet the conditions set by the foreign buyers?

Answer: The garment exporters cut costs. They get maximum work out of the workers at the lowest possible wages.

10. Why do you think more women are employed in the Impex garment factory? Discuss.

Answer: More women are employed in the Impex garment factory because they agree to work even at the lowest possible wages.

11. Compare the earnings per shirt of the worker in the garment factory, the garment exporter, and the business person in the market abroad What do you find?

Answer: The business person abroad makes a profit of Rs. 600 on one shirt and the garment exporter gains Rs. 100 on one shirt. So far the worker’s earning is concerned, he gets only Rs. 15 per shirt.

12. What are the reasons that the business person is able to make a huge profit in the market?

Answer: There are various reasons why the business person is able to make a huge profit in the market:

Some of them are given below:

He sells his shirts to people belonging to the high-income groups.

He is able to sell a large number of shirts every day.

He knows the ways how to get work done by the garment exporters at the lowest possible price.


1. Who was Swapna?

Answer: Swapna was a small farmer, growing cotton on her small piece of land.

2. Why did Swapna take a loan from the local trader?

Answer: She took a loan from the local traders to buy seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides for the cultivation of cotton.

4. What is the putting-out arrangement? [V. Imp.]

Answer: Under the putting-out arrangement, the cloth merchants supply the raw material to the weavers and receive the finished product.

5. Who are mostly employed in the Impex garment factory?

Answer: They are women.

6. What do women workers do in the Impex garment factory?

Answer: They do thread cutting, buttoning, ironing, and packaging.

7. Whom does the garment exporting factory export the shirts to?

Answer: The garment exporting factory exports the shirts to foreign buyers.


1. How are small farmers in the grip of the local trader? [V. Imp.]

Answer: Small farmers can not do without the help of the local traders. They depend on them for various reasons:

During cropping season they take a loan from the local traders.

Whenever there is an illness in the family they go to the local trader for help.

Farmers also face seasonal unemployment. There are times in the year when they have no work and hence no income.

During this time their survival depends on borrowing money from him.

Due to these reasons, small farmers easily come in the grip of the powerful local traders.

2. How do weaver’s cooperatives reduce the dependence of weavers on the cloth merchants? [V. Imp.]

Answer: In a cooperative people with common interests come together and work for their mutual benefit. In a weaver’s cooperative, the weavers form a group and take up certain activities collectively. They get yam from the yam dealer and distribute it among the weavers. The cooperative also does marketing. In this way, the role of the merchants is reduced and weavers get a fair price on the cloth that they produce by dint of their hard labour.


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