Hs Prose Test

 Hs Prose Test(FM-20) 
Time-40 minutes

Group-B(Answer any 2 questions)(2×6=12)

1)'Our locality was predominantly Muslim' – Who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in the description? [1+3+2 =6]

 2)'You have already been answered 'Who said this and to whom? how has the person referred to been answered?(2+4)

 3) "I would teach you right from wrong."- who said this, to whom and when? How did the speaker transform the person spoken to her? [1+1+1+3=6]

4). "But her next question removed my doubts" - Who said this and about whom?What was the next question? How were his doubts removed?What were the doubts of the speaker?(2+1+2+1)


A)Complete the following sentences choosing the correct options from the alternatives provided:-(1×4)

1-The girl in the train compartment thought the narrator to be -

a) gallant

b) serious

c) gallant and serious

 d) pretentious 

2-The lady picked up the boy from the street by holding his 

a) trousers 


c) wrist


3-The wounded man was actually-

a) enemy of the hermit 

b)disciple of the hermit

c) friend of the Tsar  

d)enemy of the Tsar

4-Abdul Kalam's father would convey complex spiritual concepts in simple down-to-earth-

a) Arabic

b) Urdu

c) Tamil


B)Answer the following questions in one sentence:(1×4)

(Attempt Any four )

1)What were the eyes of the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It' sensitive to?

2)Where was the girl in the story 'The Eyes Have It' getting off?

3)In whom did Abdul Kalam's father have an ideal helpmate? 

4)Whom did the hermit receive?

5)Describe the ancestral house of Kalam?

6)When Mrs. Jones was returning to home?


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