

Extra MCQ

1)After dinner Leela ran to ________________
(a) her bed (b) Sidda’s bed (c) the well (d) the veranda.
 2)Sidda’s company made Leela —
(a) excited (b) unhappy (c) morose (d) happy.
 3 )Leelatook Sidda’s class during —
(a) evening (b) dusk (c) afternoon (d) morning.
 4)Before taking a decision to appoint Sidda Mr. Sivasanker called on his —
(a) daughter (b) police officer (c) wife (d) friend.
 5)Leela lost her —
(a) palinurn chain (b) silver chain (c) gold chain (ci) dall.
 6)“Leela made a noise of depreciation”. Here the word depreciation’ means—
(a) agreement (b) disagreement (c) indifference (d) praise.
7)Mr. Sivasanker considered Sidda as a / an —
(a) thief (b) dacoit (c) old criminal (d) smuggler.
 8)Sidda got the job in the house of —
(a) Mr. yet (b) Mr. Narayan (c) Mr. Svasanker (d) Mc Subrarnanlyarn.
9)‘the fellow looked queer”. Here the word ‘queer” means —
(a) strange (b) unnatural (c) mischievous (d) natural.
 10)The police inspector considered Sidda to be a —
(a) thief (b) dacoit (c) old criminal (d) smuggler.
11 )Thesource of the story is from —
(a) Malgudi Days (b) The Guide (c) Swami and friends (d) None of these.
 12)Sidda was taken to
(a) prison (b) home (c) jail (d) lock up.
 13)Sidda was arrested by the po!ice
(a) 3 days (b) 4 days (c) 5 days (d) 7 days after the incident.
14)Leela's mother found the gold chain in —
(a) turmeric pot (b) red chilli pot (c) black pepper pot (d) tamarind pot.
15)Sidda previously worked in —
(a) the doctor’s house (b) the teacher’s house(c) the lawyer’s house (d) the farmer’s house.
16)Mr. Sivasanker finally -
(a) employed Sidda (b) dismissed Sidda (c) felt sorry for blaming Sidda (d) asked Sidda for forgiveness.
17) Sidda lost his job at the doctor’s house because
(a) he stole money (b) He was terribly ill (c) he was not given proper salary (d) the doctor left the town.
 18)The chain was put in the tamarind pot by
(a) Sidda (b) Leela (c) Sivasanker (d) Leela’s mother.
 19)What did Leela check out with the ball that was thrown —
(a) the colour (b) the shape (c) traces of the moon (d) the conditions.
20) ‘At any rate the fellow looks tidy”. Who is referred to here?
The person referred to is — -
(a) Sidda (b) Mr. Sivasanker (c) police inspector (d) Leela.
 21)Sivasanker was a man of—
(a)high judgement (b) good humour (c) suspicious mentality (d) analytical mind.
22) Sidda slept —
(a) in Leela’s room (b) in the drawing room (c) servants’ quarter (d) outside the house.
23) Mr. Sivasanker was concerned about -
(a) financial problem (b) servant problem (c) water problem (d) family problem.
 24)“At any rate, the feflow looks tidy”. Here “tidy” means—
(a) neat and clean (b) tight (o) tedious (d) filthy.
 25)“Do not go near him” — This was said by
(a) Leela’s mother (b) Sivasanker (c) the Inspector (d) the constable.
 26)Leela firmly believed that Sidda
 (a) knew God (b) knew the moon (c) knew the stars (d) knew the sun.
27)Sidda seemed to be -
(a) a thief (b) a dacoit (c) timid (d) a shy boy.
 28)Sidda felt more interested in —
(a) story telling (b) education (c) steang (d) fishing
29)The chain was found by
(a) Sidda (b) Leela’s mother (c) Sivasanker (d) the inspector.
 30)Leela as a child was —
(a) fidgety (b) playful (c) whimsical (d) whining.
31)The thing lost by Leela was a -
(a) gold ring (b) gold chain (c) gold button (d) gold necklace.
 32)Sidda was a -
(a) manager (b) landlord (c) school-boy (d) servant.

33)The inspector was a —
(a) dutiful man (b) kind man (c) arrogant man (d) haughty man.
34)According to Sidda, the doctor lived near —
(a) the hospital (b) the court (c) the market (d) the village.
35)Leela was put to sleep by —
(a) Sidda’s stories (b) Sidda’s song (c) mother’s song (d) father’s stories.
36)“though an adept at controlling the moon . Here the word ‘adept’ means
(a) accomplished (b) adopt (c) ordinary (d) unskilled.
 37)Leela inserted the chain into the tamarind pot.

(a) unknowingly (b) whimsically (c) thoughtfully (d) intentionally.

Short Questions

1. Who is Leela?

Ans: Leela is the five-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sivasanker.

2. Why was Sidda asked to come in?

Ans: Sidda was asked to come in because Mr. Sivasanker was looking for a servant and Sidda was looking for a job of a servant.

3.  When did Leela hold class for Sidda?

Ans: Leela held class for Sidda at dusk.

4. What did Leela know to write and draw?

Ans: Leela knew to write two or three letters of the alphabet and draw a kind cat and crow.

5. Why did Leela run to her bed after dinner?

Ans: After dinner Leela ran to her bed because Sidda was ready there with stories of animals, jungle.

6. Who climbs the coconut tree to touch the moon?

Ans: Sidda climbs up  the tree to touch the moon.

7. Why did Sidda lose his last job?

Ans: Siddha lost his last job because the doctor who was his employer had left the town.

8. What work would Sidda do in Mr Sivasanker’s house?

Ans: Sidda would wash clothes, tend the garden, run errands, chop woods and look after Leela.

9. What did Leela ask Sidda to draw?

Leela asked Sidda to draw the crow and the letter B.

10. How much would Sidda be paid for the work in Sivasanker’s house?

Ans: They paid Sidda four rupees per month and two meals a day for the work in Sivasanker’s house.

11. Why did Leela refuse to go to bed after her meal?

Ans: Leela refused to go to bed after her meal because she wanted Sidda there to tell her stories, but Sidda was not there.

12. Give the name of the collection from which the story “Leela’s Friend” is taken.

Ans: The short story Leela’s Friend is taken from the collection “Malgudi Days”.

13. Who first noticed that Leela’s gold chain was missing?

Ans: Mrs. Sivasanker, Leela’s mother,  noticed that Leela’s gold chain was missing.

14. Who was suspected to have stolen the gold chain of Leela?

Ans: Sidda was suspected to have stolen the gold chain of Leela

15. Who did not believe that Sidda was a thief?

Ans: The little girl Leela did not believe that Sidda was a thief.

16. Where was Mr Sivsanker standing when Sidda was hanging about the gate?

Ans: Mr Sivasanker was standing in the front veranda of his house when Sidda was hanging about his gate.

17. How did Sidda look when Mr Sivasanker subjected him to a scrutiny?

Ans: When Mr Sivasanker subjected Sidda to a scrutiny, he did not seem to be a bad sort and he looked tidy enough.

18. “She clung to Sisda’s hand” – Who is referred to here as ‘she’ in the line?

Ans: Here “she” refers to Leela, a 5 year old girl and the friend of Sidda.

19. What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over standing in the veranda of his house? (2018)

Ans: Standing in the veranda of his house Mr Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.

Important Short Questions:
20. What is Mr Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda? (2016)

Ans: The first impression of Mr Sivasanker about Siddha was that he did not seem to be a bad sort and looked tidy.

21. Why did Sidda leave the old Master’s house? (2015)

Ans: Sidda left the old Master’s house because they left the town.

22. What kind of job Sidda do in the Sivasanker’s  household? (2014)

Ans: In the Sivasanker’s household Sidda had to wash clothes, tend the garden, run errands, chop woods, and look after Leela.

23. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky? (2018)

Ans: Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

24. What filled Leela’s box? (2017)

Ans: Catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils filled Leela’s box.

25. What did Leela ask Sidda to draw? (2018)

Ans: Leela asked Sidda to draw a cat and a crow.

26. How did Sidda put Leela to sleep?

Ans: Sidda put Leela to sleep by telling some stories of animals, birds, magicians, princess and their pets.

27. Where did Leela go with Sidda?

Ans: Leela went out to buy sugar with Sidda.

28. “I have not taken it” – What does it refer to here?

Ans: Here ‘it’ refers to the missing gold chain of Leela.

29. Where did Leela’s mother find the chain?

Ans: Leela’s mother found the chain in a tamarind pot.

30. How many letters of the alphabet did Leela learn?

Ans: Leela learnt two or three letters of the alphabet.

31. How, according to Sidda, can a man touch the sky?

Ans: According to Sidda, a man can touch the sky if he stands on a coconut tree.

32. What made Leela supremely happy?

Ans: Sidda’s company made Leela supremely happy.

33. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky?

Ans: Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

34. Give the name of the only person who believed that Sidda was not a thief.

Ans: The name of the only person who believed that Sidda was not a thief was Leela.

35. How would Sidda get relief from Leela’s class?

Ans: Sidda sought relief from Leela’s class by saying that Leela’s mother was calling Leela in to dinner.

36. For how many times was Sidda in jail previously?

Ans: Previously, Sidda was in jail for half a dozen times.

37. How did Sidda throw the ball up?

Ans: Sidda held the ball in his hand, closed his eyes for a second and threw the ball up.

38. Why was Leela’s Mother unable to tell her story when requested?

Ans: When Leela’s mother was requested by Leela to tell story, she was unable to tell story because her mind was disturbed and thought of Sidda made her panicky.

39. Where was the gold chain found?

Ans: The gold chain was at last found in the tamarind pot.

40. What did Sidda do to seek relief from Leela’s class?

Ans: Sidda sought relief from Leela’s class by saying that Leela’s mother was calling Leela in to dinner.

41. “Her mother gave her a slap.” – Why did her mother give her a slap?

Ans: Leela’s mother slapped her because Leela lost her gold chain.

42. “Let us keep him in our house.” – Who said this?

Ans: Leela said this.

43. How did Sidda react when Leela’s mother asked him about the chain?

Ans: When Leela’s mother asked Siddha about the chain he blinked and said that he did not know anything about the chain.

44. Where did Mr Shivasanker first meet Sidda?

Ans: Mr Shivasanker first met Sidda at the gate in front of his house.

45. How, according to Sidda, could Leela touch the sky?

Ans: According to Sidda, Leela could touch the sky if she would stand on the coconut tree.

46. Why did Sidda vanished into the night?

Ans: Leela’s mother blamed Sidda for the loss of Leela’s gold chain, Sidda was afraid. So he vanished into the night.

47. Why was Sidda looking for a job?

Ans: Sidda was looking for a job because the doctor in whose house he was serving, had left the town.

Multiple Choice Questions & answers 1 Mark each

1. 'Leela's Friend' is -(i) a short story (ii) a drama (iii) an epic (iv) a novel
 2. The principal character of Leela's Friend is - (i) Mr. Sivasanker (ii) Sidda (iii) Leela
(iv) Mrs. Sivasanker
3. In the story Leela is a -(i) subdued character (ii) Introvert character (iii) restless, dominating character (iv) passive character

4. Leela's mother is by nature - (i) sceptical (ii) pedantic (iii) superstitious (iv)introspective 

5. Sidda had vanished into the night
because - (i) he stole the golden chain (ii) he was ready to flee (iii) he was fearful about the police (iv) he was fearful about study.

6. Leela's gold chain was found in - (i) a box (ii) the locker (iii) a tamarind pot (iv) the almirah

7. According to the inspector, a reliable witness was not - (i) Mr. Sivasanker (i) Leela (iii) Leela's mother (iv) Sidda
 8. Leela insisted upon having Sidda's company all her - (i) reading hours (ii) working hours (iii) waking hours (iv walking hours
 9. Leela's box was filled with - (i) marbles (ii) dolls (iii) books (iv) books and pencils

10. Sidda said that Leela's ball had touched - (i) the roof (ii) the sun (iii) the moon (iv) sidda's head

11. Sidda was adept at controlling - (i) God (ii) the sun (iii) the moon (iv) the sun and the moon

12. Sidda was utterly incapable of plying the - (i) pen (ii) pencil (iii) boat (iv) bus 
13. Leela asked her mother to tell the story of the (i) tiger (ii) lion (iii) elephant (iv) monkey

14. Day by day Leela clung closer to -(i) her mother (ii) her classmate (iii) sidda (iv) her father

15. The police inspector came to Mr. Sivasanker's house-- (i) with the constable and Sidda (ii) alone (iii) with his police forces carrying Sidda (iv) with Mr. Sivasanker
16. ' Don't go near him'- This was said by (i) the police inspector (ii) Sidda (iii) Leela (iv) Leela's mother

Answer: 1. (i) 2. (ii) 3. (iii) 4. (i) 5. (iii) 6. (iii) 7. (ii) 8. (ii)9. (iv) 10. (iii) 11. (iii) 12. (ii) 13. (iii) 14. (iii) 15. (i) 16. (i)

1. Leela's Friend is written by

a) Khuswant Singh, b) O, Henry; c) R. K Narayan. d) Nandalal Bose.

Ans: c)

2. Leela was- a) five, b) tidy; c) seven; d) less

than five.

Ans: a)

3. Leela lost her

a) gold necklace; b) gold ring; c) nose ring;
d) gold bracelet

Ans: a)

4. Leela had a firm belief that Sidda

a) knew the moon; b) knew the sky; c) knew God; d) once lived in the moon.

Ans: a)

5. Sidda was a -

a) servant at Leela's house, b) a friend of Leela, c) a relative of Leela; d) companion of Leela

Ans: b)

6) Mr.Sivasanker's first impression about Sidda was good because he appeared

a) smart, b) tidy, c) strange, d) innocuous.

Ans: b)

7) Sidda worked before in

a) a doctor's house, b) a farmhouse, c) a

coffee house, d) a hotel. 
Ans: a)

8) Sidda was arrested by the police a) three days later, b) five days later, c) six days later, d) four days later.

Ans: d) 

9) Ultimately the lost chain was found by a) Leela's mother, b) Mr. Sivasanker. c)
Leela, d) Police
 Ans: a)

10. Sidda was sent away from the doctor's house because

a) the doctor left the town, b) the doctor died, c) the doctor ill-treated him, d) he
was ill-disposed.

Ans: a)

11. Sidda tried to write -

a) all English letters, b) only one letter 'B'

c) two or three letters d) many languages

Ans: c)

12. In Sivasanker's house, Sidda slept
a) in Leela's room,
b) outside the house c) on the floor of Leela's room d) in the servant's quarter.

Ans: b)

13. Sidda was accused of -

a) murdering children, b) stealing jewellery
from children; c) stealing kids, d) playing with Leela too much.

Ans: b) 
14. The gold chain was dropped in the tamarind pot by
a) Leela; b) Leela's friend, c) Leela's mother, d) Leela's mother. 
Ans: a)



Complete the sentences by choosing the correct answers from the choice given choice.

1.  Sir Mohan Lal’s ways and manners were meant to produce the impression. (WBCHS Class 11 Sample-2013)

(a) That he was an Englishman.                  (b) That he was as anglicized and refined as an English gentleman.           (c) That he belonged to Indian nobility.                        (d) That he was not an Indian nobleman.
Answer: (a) that he was an Englishman.

2.  Sir Mohan believed that qualities attached to ‘Indian’ were                                                   (Sample-2013)

 (a) Lazy, corrupt, slow                               (b) Traditional, upper class, luxurious.
(c) Inefficient, dirty, indifferent                                                 (d) Efficient, worthy of emulation.
Answer: (c) Inefficient, dirty, indifferent

3.  The word “get the nigger out” suggest

(a) A sense of irony                                                                        (b) A sense of humour
(c)A sense of farce                                                                          (d) A sense of tragedy
Answer: (a) A sense of irony

4.  When Sir Mohan saw two English soldiers walking towards his coupe, he decided to (Sample-2013)

 (a) Shoot them out.                                                            (b) Welcome them warmly.
(c) Vent his anger on them.                                                (d) Ignore them with an expressionless matter -of-factness.
Answer: (b) Welcome them warmly.

5. The inter class Zenana compartment was                                                         (WBCHSE class-11 -2014)

(a) Next to the guard’s van                                                          (b) just after the engine.
(c) At the tail end of the train.                                                    (d) In the middle of the train.
Answer: (a) Next to the guard’s van  

6. Lachmi stopped by a hawker’s stall to buy                                                                        (WBCHSE-2015)

(a) Chapati                                                                          (b) Pan Parag
(c) Betel leaves                                                                       (d) mango pickle.
Answer: (c) Betel leaves  

7. Which act of the British soldiers finally angers Sir Mohan lal?                            (WB H.S Sample-2013)

(a) Sir Mohan lal was outraged by their refusal to read The Times
(b) Sir Mohan lal was outraged by their speaking to him in broken Hindustani.
(c) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their throwing out of his suitcase and other belonging on the platform.
(d) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their ignorance of his Balliol tie.
Answer: (c) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their throwing out of his suitcase and other belonging on the platform.

8. Lady Lal was fanning herself with a

(a) Hand fan                       (b) Newspaper.                 (c) Book.                              (d) Bag.
Answer: (b) Newspaper.

9. Lady Mohan lal offered the collie

(a) Ten paise.                      (b) Twelve paise.             (c) Twenty paise.              (d) Thirty paise.
Answer: (b) Twelve paise.

10. Sir Mohan lal had lived abroad for

(a)  Four years                   (b) Five years                    (c) Six years                        (d) Eight years.
Answer: (b) Five years  

11. Sir Mohan Lal kept with him a copy of

(a) The times.                    (b) The telegraph.           (c) The statement.          (d) The observer
Answer: (a) The times.

12. On her way to the Zenana compartment, lady Lal stopped by a

(a) Food stalls.                   (b) Book stall                      (c) Hawker’s stall.            (d) Tea stalls.
Answer: (c) Hawker’s stall.

13. Sir Mohan Lal had his education at

(a) Oxford University.   (b) Cambridge University.            (c) Punjab university.     (d) Delhi university.
Answer : (a) Oxford University

14. Sir Mohan Lal always wore a

(a) red tie                            (b) blue tie                          (c) black tie                         (d) Balliol tie
Answer : (d) Balliol tie

15. Lachmi thanked God for

(a) The favour of a filling meal. (b) Safe journey                          
(c) Getting a seat in the train.     (d) The company of coolie.    
Answer: (a) The favour of a filling meal.           

16. What is the source of story ‘Karma”?

(a) The story of Sikhs      (b) The Collected stories               (c) The voice of God       (d) Train to Pakistan.
Answer : (d) Train to Pakistan.

17. The English soldiers whom Sir Mohan Lal had to face were

(a) Tom and Bill                 (b)Bill and Jim                            (c) Jim and Tom                                (d) Bill and Sidda.
Answer : (b)Bill and Jim   

18. ‘Sir Mohan Lal smoothed his Balliol tie for umpteenth time.”  Here “umpteenth time” means.

(a) Fourteen times            (b) Fifteen time                           (c) sixteen time.                              (d) A number of times.
Answer: (d) A number of times.

1. Karma is a/an — (a) essay. (b) short-story. (c) travelogue. (d) biography. 

2. Karma is written by — (a) Khushwant Singh. (b) R.K. Narayan. (c) O. Henry. (d) Nandalal Bose. 

3. Sir Mohan Lal was a/an — (a) engineer. (b) barrister.(c) trader. (d) professor. 

4. Sir Mohan Lal compared the mirror with — (a) himself. (b) his wife. (c) everything belonging to his country. (d) nothing.

5. Mohan Lal had put on a suit imported from — (a) Saville Row (b) Piccadilly circus. (c) Oxford. (d) Cambridge. 

6. Lachmi was sitting — (a) outside the waiting room. (b) inside the waiting room. (c) beside her husband (d) near the guard. 

7. Lady Mohan Lal was aged — (a) between 30 and 40. (b) between 40 and 50. (c) between 50 and 60. (d) none. 

8. Lady Lal wore a — (a) red sari. (b) blue sari. (c) white sari. (d) a ghagra. 

9. The nose-ring worn by Lady Lal was made of — (a) gold. (b) diamond. (c) silver. (d) copper.

10. “Where does the Zenana stop?” Here Zenana means — (a) woman. (b) woman of upper class. (c) woman traveller. (d) girl. 

11. Lady Lal gave the coolie — (a) two-anna. (b) one rupee note. (c) nothing. (d) five rupees. 

12. “The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's sang-froid.” Here sang-froid means — (a) position. (b) mental calm. (c) thoughts. (d) appearance. 

13. Sir Mohan Lal always wore — (a) a pair of spectacles. (b) a Balliol tie. (c) a pair of polished shoes while travelling. (d) Indian dhoti and kurta. 

Most Important Long questions:-

1)Bring out the significance of the title ‘Karma’. [5] [Annual Exam 11 -2016]

Ans. According to Hindu mythology ‘karma’ signifies the reward and punishment of one’s deeds. In the context of the text, Sir Mohan Lal was rightly punished and Lachmi got her reward for their deeds. Though Mohan Lal was an Indian, he hated his countrymen even his wife, and anything that belonged to India. But he liked to copy the British. In the end, he got slapped and ultimately was thrown out of the compartment by the two English soldiers. On the other hand, simple and innocent Lachmi had a safe and comfortable journey. Thus the ‘karma’ precisely acts upon them. Hence, Khuswant Singh aptly named the prose as ‘Karma,



1)What did Jimmy Valentine do from the time he got out of jail till met Mike Dolan? [5] [class 11 – 2017]

Retrace Jimmy Valentine's course of action from the moment he is granted parole to the time he reaches his room. 

Ans.             After coming out of the jail, Jimmy headed straight for a restaurant ignoring the natural beauties like the songs of birds, the waving green trees, and the smell of the flowers. In the hotel, he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty in the form of a broiled chicken, a bottle of white wine and a good quality cigar. Then he reached the depot and before entering the train, he tossed a quarter of a dollar in the hat of a blind man. Then he travelled for three hours and reached a little town where his friend Mike Dolan lived.

2) “He opened this and gazed fondly.” – What was opened? What did the person gaze fondly at? Why did he gaze at it fondly? [1+2+2 =5]


Describe the contents of Jimmy's suitcase. Why do you think he "gazes fondly"at them?

Ans.         Jimmy’s suitcase was opened.

                 Jimmy fondly gazed at the finest set of burglar’s tools which include the latest designs of drills, punches, braces, bits Jimmies, clamps, augers etc.

                The burglar’s tools meant a lot for him. They were made of tempered steel which cost more than nine hundred dollars. He took pride in them. After ten months of separation from the suitcase, he was fortunate to meet the tools. So, he gazed fondly at his valuable possessions.

3) “Mr Ralph D. Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes.” – Who is Ralph D. Spencer? What is Phoenix? Why has the comparison been made? [1+2+2 = 5] [class 11 – 2019]


How does O Henry establish a contrast between Jimmy Valentine and 'Ralph D. Spencer'?

Ans.       Mr. Ralph D. Spencer was the new name that Jimmy Valentine had assumed at Elmore.

                  According to the ancient mythological stories, the phoenix is a legendary Arabian bird. It burns itself to ashes in every five hundred years and is again born out of its ashes.

               When Jimmy Valentine looked into Annabel’s eyes, he forgot himself and became another man. He decided to avoid his old profession of burglary and would lead an honest life with a new name. By the attack of love, Ralph D. Spencer emerged from the ashes of Jimmy Valentine. Thus the comparison of jimmy valentine with the phoenix is appropriate.

4)What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did Jimmy open there? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore? [1+1+3 = 5] [class 11 – 2016]


Describe Jimmy's life before his real identity was disclosed in Elmore.

Ans.     Jimmy Valentine assumed a new name Ralph D. Spenser at Elmore.

             Jimmy opened an exclusive shoe-store at Elmore.

            Jimmy opened a shoe-store and secured a good run of it. Within a year he became a prosperous businessman and he earned the social reputation in the community. And most of all he fell in love. In two weeks he was going to marry the finest girl on earth, Annabel Adams. He was received cordially by the Adams family.

5.What was the relationship between Jimmy Valentine and Ben Price? 

Ans-Jimmy Valentine was a professional burglar. He cracked safes and looted money.But whenever Jimmy committed any theft, he left no clue. He simply befooled the police. Only Ben Price had been able to catch him. Ben Price was eminent detective. At the time of Springfield robbery case, Ben was given the charge of investigation. We come to learn that Jimmy was overpowered by Ben. There had been a fight between them in Jimmy's room and Jimmy was arrested. This proves that Ben was Jimmy's formidable opponent.

            After the theft in Jefferson City,Ben was sure that Mr. Valentine was behind the robberies. Meanwhile, the news reached Mr. Valentine. He sensed danger. He left the town and came to Elmore.That time Jimmy became Spencer. He was a businessman and a respectable member of Elmore society. Ben heard of his engagement with Annabel Adams. In the meantime,Jimmy had to open a vault to save a child. Ben saw the whole operation. But Ben did not arrest Jimmy. He realized that Jimmy was no more a burglar.

 He was transformed into a feeling being. All this shows that there was many ups and downs in the relationship between Jimmy Valentine and Ben Price. 

6. Who is Jimmy valentine? Give a brief account of his character.


Comment on the character of Jimmy Valentine in the story “Jimmy Valentine”?

Ans: Jimmy Valentine was a handsome young man. He was a safe burglar by profession. He was sent to the jail for four years, but he was pardoned by the governor just in ten months. He reached Elmore with the intension of bank robbery. But when he met a young lady named Annabel,he was changed completely by her charm. He forgot what he was and became another man. This sudden change made him Ralph D. Spencer who was no more a burglar. Ralph D. Spencer was a simple businessman who fell in love with Annabel. Now, Jimmy was not that Jimmy who used to break vaults. His shoe business in Elmore was growing well and he was going to marry his love. He did not want Annabel to know about his past. So, he wanted to give all his professional tools to his friend. Jimmy really wanted to live an honest and happy married life with Annabel. At the end of the story he saved Agatha’s life and proved his honesty. As he was leading an honest life, Ben Price did not arrest him. In this way Jimmy Valentine’s characters shows the story of a person who changes from a bad to a good man because of love.

7.Who is Ben price ? Give an account of his character.


 Make a short character sketch of Ben price.(5)


             Ben Price was a famous detective who nabbed Jimmy and sent him to jail for his crime in Springfield. But soon after his release Jimmy committed three consecutive burglaries. Ben price was called in.Analysing the mode of operation,he came to the conclusion that these were done by none other than Jimmy. He started to follow Jimmy trail and finally reached Elmore where Jimmy was living with the false identity of Ralph D Spencer. But when he visited the Elmore bank to arrest Jimmy, he found that Jimmy had once again cracked the safe only to save the life of a child. Ben price was a true hero at heart and he left feigning that he had not recognised Jimmy.

8) “Ben Price investigated the scene of the robberies and was heard to remark.” – Who was Ben Price? What did he say? What did he know of Jimmy’s habits? [1+1+3 = 5] [class 11 – 2020]

Ans. Ben Price was a famous detective who arrested Jimmy and was investigating the cases of burglaries.

By investigating the method of burglaries, Ben Price was heard to remark that they were all done by Dandy Jim Valentine. He found his autograph everywhere. He resumed his business.

While working on the Springfield case, he learnt a lot of things about Jimmy’s habits. Long jumps, quick getaway, no crime partner and a taste for good society were his characteristic features. These habits made Jimmy a successful dodger from punishment.

9) “That child – she can’t stand it long in there.” – Who is referred to here? Why was she in danger? How was she saved? [1+2+2 = 5] [class

 11 – 2014]

Ans. The child referred to here is Agatha, daughter of Annabel’s elder sister.

While all were busy in talking, May in a spirit of play had shut Agatha in the vault. The vault could not be easily opened. The combination of bolts and knobs was not set. There was little air. Agatha would go into convulsion from fright. That was why she was in danger.

All were bewildered with excitement at that moment. Annabel with full of anguish begged Jimmy to do something to rescue the child. Jimmy agreed but aware of the fact that he would lose everything. He opened the suitcase and in ten minutes he broke the vault by his pet drills. In this way, he saved the child.

10)What did Jimmy write to his old friend? Why did he write so? [3+2 = 5] [class 11 – 2015, 2018]

Ans.          After spending a year in Elmore and settle himself as a prosperous businessman, Jimmy wrote a letter to his old friend Billy. He asked Billy to meet him at Sullivan’s place on next Wednesday.  He wanted to wind up some little matters and to present him the burglar’s tools. He did not need them because he wished to lead an honest life. He had a nice shoe-store. He also informed Billy that within two weeks, he was going to marry the finest girl on earth.

               He wrote the letter to inform Billy about his present position as a successful businessman and his future-plans after marriage. He realised that leading an honest life was the only life. His words showed Jimmy’s reformation as a good human being.

11. "Ben Price acted rather strangely" - Narrate the act done by Ben Price. Why did the writer use the word 'strangely'?

Ans:         Ben Price was again the chief investigating officer for the second time burglaries, committed in several places. After a close inspection, Ben Price came to know that it was again Jimmy Valentine who was behind those notorious works of burglary. So in search of Jimmy, Ben Price went to the city of Elmore. Keeping a watch on Jimmy, Ben Price became convinced that Jimmy was leading an honest life. He even noticed that Valentine took risk of his career to save a little girl named Agatha. All these incidents changed Ben Price's mind and he did not want to arrest him anymore. So he pretended not to know Jimmy and went away from there.

                 The word 'strangely' synonymously means surprisingly or differently. After being convinced that Jimmy was now leading an honest and respectful life, Ben Price refused to arrest Valentine though he had identified him at the Elmore Bank. This was why the writer used the word strangely.

12. What role did Annabel play in Jimmy Valentine's life?

Ans:          Annabel was responsible for Jimmy Valentine's change from a bad man to a good man. But she personally did not play any role to bring about this change. It was the grace of her face, the beauty of her body and other lovely qualities of her that changed him completely. As soon as he saw her he fell in love with her. He forgot what he was and became a new man. He was so much charmed by her beauty that he forgot his purpose of going to Elmore. Now he only wanted to win her heart. Jimmy Valentine died and Ralph D. Spencer arose from his ashes. Thus we can say that Annabel was responsible for changing Jimmy Valentine's life forever. It was her beauty and charm that was directly responsible for Jimmy's change from a burglar to an honest man.

Short  Question answer

1)Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment? [class 11 – 2019]

Ans. Jimmy Valentine worked in a prison shoe-shop during the ten months of imprisonment.

2)What did Jimmy Valentine do in the prison shoe-shop?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine used to stitch uppers of shoe in the prison shoe-shop.

3)Who had pardoned Jimmy Valentine? [class 

11 – 2017]

Ans. The governor had pardoned Jimmy Valentine.

4)What is the original term of imprisonment of Jimmy? Or. How long was Jimmy sentenced to imprisonment?

Ans. The original term of imprisonment of Jimmy was four years.

5)How long did Jimmy stay or serve in the jail?

Ans. Jimmy stayed nearly ten months in the jail.

6)Why was Jimmy sentenced to jail?

Ans. Jimmy was sentenced to jail for cracking safe in Springfield.

7)What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine? [class11 – 2015 , 2020]

Ans. The clerk at the prison gave Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and the five dollar bill.

8)What was the name of the guard of the prison? [class 11– 2017]

Ans. The guard of the prison was Cronin.

9)What was the number of Jimmy in the jail?

Ans. The number of Jimmy in the jail was 9762.

10)What did Jimmy enjoy in the restaurant? [class 11– 2017]

Ans. Jimmy enjoyed a broiled chicken, a bottle of white wine and a good quality cigar in the restaurant.

11)How much did Jimmy pay the blind man?

Ans. Jimmy paid a quarter of a dollar to the blind man.

12)Whom did Jimmy meet first after coming out of jail?

Ans. Jimmy met one Mike Dolan first after coming out of the jail.

13)Who was Mike Dolan? [class 11– 2020]

Ans. Mike Dolan was Jimmy’s friend and a cafe’s owner who helped Jimmy to release from the jail.

14) “Sorry we could not make it sooner” – Why was the speaker sorry?

Ans. The speaker, Mike Dolan was sorry because he could not able to release Jimmy earlier from the jail.

15)Who is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’? [class 11 – 2014]

Ans. Ben Price is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

16)Where did Jimmy hides his suitcase?

Ans. Jimmy hid his suitcase inside the wall in a upstairs room of Mike Dolan’s cafe.

17) “They had overpowered Jimmy to arrest him” – Who overpowered Jimmy and where?

Ans. Ben Price and his men overpowered Jimmy in the upstairs room of Mike Dolan’s cafe.

18)What did Jimmy’s suitcase contain? [class 11- 2015]

Ans. Jimmy’s suitcase contained finest set of burglar’s tools like drills, punches, braces, bits, jimmies, clamps etc.

19)How much did the burglary tools cost?

Ans. The burglary tool cost over nine hundred dollars.

20)How many burglaries did Jimmy commit after release from the jail?

Ans. Jimmy committed three burglaries after release from the jail – at Richmond, Logansport and Jefferson City.

21)How much were stolen from the three burglaries respectively?

Ans.  Eight hundred dollars from Richmond.

         Fifteen hundred dollars from Logansport.  And

        Five thousand dollars from Jefferson City

22) “He resumed his business” – Why did Ben Price sure that Jimmy resumed his business?

Ans. By investigating and comparing different evidences and symbols, Ben Price came to the conclusion that all burglaries were done by Jimmy Valentine.

23)Where did Jimmy arrive after the three burglaries?

Ans. Jimmy arrived at Elmore after the three burglaries.

24)Where did Jimmy first meet Miss Annabel Adams?

Ans. Jimmy first met Miss Annabel Adams outside the Elmore Bank.

25)Who gave the information about Miss Annabel Adams?

Ans. A boy who was loafing on the steps of the Elmore Bank gave the information about Miss Annabel Adams.

26)Who was Miss Annabel Adams?

Ans. Miss Annabel Adams was the daughter of Mr. Adams, the owner of the Elmore Bank.

27)In which hotel did Jimmy engage a room in Elmore? [class 11 – 2015,2018]

Ans. Jimmy engaged a room in the Planters’ Hotel in Elmore.

28)What was the pseudonym that  Jimmy took in Elmore? Or. By which name did Jimmy register his name in the Planters’ Hotel?

Ans. Jimmy registered his name as Ralph D. Spencer in the Planters’ Hotel.

29)Why was the clerk impressed by Jimmy? [class 11 – 2016]

Ans. The clerk was impressed by Jimmy’s cloths and manner.

30)How are the people in Elmore?

Ans. The people in Elmore are sociable.

31)How did Jimmy Valentine prosper in Elmore?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine prospered in Elmore by opening a shoe store.

32)Whom did Jimmy write the letter?

Ans. Jimmy wrote the letter to Billy, his old friend.

33)Where did Jimmy want to meet Billy?

Ans. Jimmy wanted to meet Billy at Sullivan’s place.

34)Why did he want to meet Billy?

Ans. He wanted to meet Billy to wind up some old matters and make a present of his kit of tools.

35) “I’ve quit the old business”. – What is the old business?

Ans. The old business is burglary.

36)How did Jimmy describe Annabel in his letter to Billy?

Ans. Jimmy described Annabel as the finest girl on earth and as an angel in his letter to Billy.

37)Where did Jimmy wish to settle after marriage?

Ans.  After marriage with Annabel, Jimmy wished to settle in the West.

38)Where did Jimmy order his wedding suit?

Ans. Jimmy ordered his wedding suit from Little Rock.

39)What did Annabel feel about the content of Jimmy’s suitcase?

Ans. Annabel felt it was full of gold bricks about the content of Jimmy’s suitcase.

40)What did Jimmy say about the content of the suitcase to Annabel?

Ans. Jimmy told Annabel that there were a lot of nickel-plated shoe-horns in the suitcase.

42)Why was Mr. Adams very proud of?

Ans. Mr. Adams was very proud of a new safe and vault.

43)Who was May and Agatha?

Ans. May and Agatha were the daughters of Annabel’s married sister.

44)How old was Agatha who got trapped inside the vault? [class 11 – 2019]

Ans. Agatha who got trapped inside the vault was five years old.

45)How old was May?

Ans. May was nine years old.

46)Who shut Agatha in the vault?

Ans. May shut Agatha in the vault.

47)Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault? [class 11 – 2014]

Ans. Jimmy Valentine rescued Agatha from the vault.

48)Why did Jimmy ask the rose from Annabel?

Ans. Jimmy asked the rose from Annabel because he knew that after rescuing Agatha his previous identity would be disclosed and he would lose his love. So, as a souvenir, he asked the rose.

49)How long did Jimmy take to open the vault?

Ans. Jimmy took ten minutes to open the vault.

50) “At the door a big man stood.” – Who was the big man?

Ans. Ben Price was the big man.

51)Why did Ben Price not arrest Jimmy?

Ans. Ben Price did not arrest Jimmy because Jimmy had completely transformed himself as a good human being.




Extra MCQ


1. Upon Westminster Bridge is a—a) elegy, b) sonnet, c) lyric d) ballad 

2. This poem is written by—a) Keats b) Wordsworth d) Shelley c) Coleridge.

3. The city is wearing garment of—a) fog, b) smoke c) beauty, d) rain 
Ans ⇰c

4. The city looks—a) dark, b) ugly c) very beautiful d) normal 
Ans⇰ c

5. The ‘mighty heart’ refers to—a) sun b) river c) hills d) London.
Ans ⇰ d

6. The poet was (in) a —a) coach, b)car ,c) palanquin d) walking. 

7. The beauty of the morning was—a)loud and polluted, b) silent or bare c)loud and bare d)silent and bare. 

8. The time described here was—a) late morning b) afternoon c) evening d) early morning 
Ans⇰ d

9. The poet observes the scene from—a) forest b) hills c) road d) Westminster Bridge. 

10. Poet crossed the bridge with—a) his friends b) wife c) sister Dorothy d) Coleridge
Ans ⇰c

11. The poem describes the city of—a) Kolkata, b) London c)Paris d)New York 

12. A man who does not enjoy that beauty is a—a)clever b) dull c)busy d) blind 

13. The nature was filled with—a) fog b) smoke c) light d) darkness 

14. Here domes refers to the domes of—a)St. Paul’s Cathedral b)house c) factory d)church Ans⇰a

15. Here towers refer to the—a)mobile tower b) Tower of London c) CN tower d) Eiffel tower 

16. Ships, buildings etc are open to the—a)sky b)fields c)sea d)sky and fields 

17. The poet addressed the God in—a) fear b) joy c)gratitude d) excitement
Ans ⇰c

18. Themes is flowing—a)violently b) violently at his own will c) smoothly d)leapingly 

19. The sun steeped the—a) river b) Bridge c) ships d) valley, rocks and hills
Ans ⇰d

20. Earth has nothing to show more fair than—a) bridge b)River c)London d) hills Ans⇰c

21. This poem is a—a) Shakespearean sonnet, b) common sonnet c) Petrarchan sonnet d) irregular sonnet 

Extra  Short  Question answer

1. What is sonnet? What is personification?
⇰ The term sonnet has come from the Italian word ‘sonetto’, which means "little song". Sonnet is a type of poem that basically contains fourteen lines and follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure.
⇰ Personification is a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. 

2. Who wrote this poem and when? 
⇰ William Wordsworth wrote this poet in 31 July, 1802.

2. Where was this poem published and when? 
⇰ This poem was published in “Poems in two Volumes” in 1807.

3. What kind of poem is it?
⇰ It is a sonnet.
4. From where did the poet observe the scene? 
⇰The poet observed the scene from the Westminster Bridge.

5. Which river is mentioned here? 
⇰Thames River is mentioned here.

6. What was the time? 
⇰ The time was early morning.

7. With whom did the poet cross the bridge? 
⇰ The poet crossed the bridge
with his sister Dorothy.

8. Which scene is referred to here? 
⇰ The early morning scene of London is referred to here.

9. Where was the poet going? 
⇰ The poet was going to the port of Dover.

10. What does the phrase ‘mighty heart’ refer? 
⇰ The phrase ‘mighty heart’ refers to the city of London.

11. Who glides at his own will? 
⇰ River Thames glides at his own will.

12. How is the river described here? 
⇰ The River Thames is flowing slowly at his own will.
 13. How was the air of London at that time? 
⇰ The air was smokeless and clear.
14. Which objects could the poet see from the bridge? 
 The poet could see ships, domes, temples, theatres, towers from the bridge.

15. How was the beauty of the morning? 
⇰  The beauty of the morning was
Silent and bare.

16. How do the houses seem? 
⇰ The houses seem asleep.

17. Why was the air smokeless? 
⇰The air was smokeless because the morning was very early.

18. Who would be dull here? 
⇰ The man who would pass by without enjoying the beauty of nature, would be dull.

19. Who is Wearing morning’s beauty? 
⇰ The London city is wearing morning’s beauty.

Meeting at Night

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of Meeting At Night

1. This poem was written by— a) Wordsworth b) Robert Browning c) Keats d) Blake. ⇰ b

2. Meeting at Night is a —a) elegy b) sonnet c) love lyric d) epic ⇰ c

3. This poem was published in—a) Lyrical ballad b) magazine c) Sordello d) Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. ⇰ d

4. This poem was published in—a) 1843 b) 1844 c) 1845 d) 1846 ⇰ c

5. The sea was—a) black b) grey c) yellow d) white ⇰ b

6. The land was—a) black b) grey c) yellow d) white ⇰ a

7. The moon was—a) black b) grey c) yellow d) white ⇰ c

8. The moon was—a) small and low b) small and high c) large and high d) large and low . ⇰ d

9. The meeting was made—a)openly b)forcefully c) in day time d) secretly . ⇰ d

10. The lover/speaker makes the journey to—a) discover the farm b) fight c) get money d) meet his beloved . ⇰d

11. After meeting the lovers were in—a) sorrow b) excitement c) wonder d) fun . ⇰ b

12. The beloved lives in a—a) farm b) cottage c) house d) palace . ⇰a

13. The sea beach was—a)one mile wide b) two miles wide c) three miles wide d) three miles wide ⇰a

14. The beloved crosses—a)one field b) two fields c)three fields d) four fields . ⇰ c

15. The lover crossed the sea with/by—a) steamer b) boat c) swimming d) ship . ⇰b

16. ‘quench’ means—a) drink b) lie c)to stop d) satisfy . ⇰ c

17. The lovers were in—a) joy b) fear c) fun d) fear and joy . ⇰d

18. ‘slushy’ means—a) full of water b) loose c) full of scent d) hard . ⇰b

19. The lover made a—a) crying sound b) loud voice c) hushed voice d) clear sound . ⇰ c

20. Who gives a tap at the pane?— a) speaker/lover b) poet c) beloved d) none of them . ⇰ a

21. The speaker makes the journey to reach at—a)garden b)sea-shore c) farm house d) fields . ⇰c

22. “a voice less loud”—the voice is of the—a) lover b) poet c) beloved d) wind . ⇰c

23. The beloved lights a—a)torch b)match c)fire d) nothing . ⇰b

24. After crossing sea, lover crosses—a)fields b)beach c)road d)forest . ⇰b

25. To show his presence the lover —a) whistles b) sings c) gives tap at the pane d) lights a match . ⇰c

26. ‘gain’ means—a)get b)depart c)reach d)obtain ⇰ c

27. Robert Browning is a/an—a) Elizabethan, b)Victorian c) Modern, d)pre-Romantic poet. 
⇰ b

28. Speaker’s journey was—a)secret, b)adventurous, c) troublesome, d) above all ⇰ d

29. Browning is famous for—a)ode, b)dramatic monologue, c)tragedy, d)comedy ⇰ b

Q.The poem Meeting At Night is a/an -

(1)- Nature poem
(2)- Love poem
(3)- Satirical poem
(4)- None of the above

Q. The lover starts his journey to -

(1)- Meet his parents
(2)- Visit his friend
(3)- Meet his beloved
(4)- All the above

Q. The lover starts his journey at/in -

(1)- Night
(2)- The morning
(3)- The evening
(4)- Dawn

Q. For his journey the lover chooses -

(1)- Ship
(2)- Boat
(3)- Car
(4)- Aeroplane

Q. The colour of the sea is -

(1)- Black
(2)- Blue
(3)- Grey
(4)- White

Q. In the poem the land is -

(1)- Long and white
(2)- Short and white
(3)- Long and black
(4)- Short and black

Q. The beach the lover crosses -

(1)- One mile
(2)- Three miles
(3)- Two miles
(4)- None

Long question

3)Justify the title of the poem ‘Meeting at Night’.[5] [class 11 – 2015, 2018]

Ans. Robert Browning’s ‘Meeting at Night’ describes the two lover’s earnest desire to meet at night secretly. The poem shows how a lover surpasses all the obstacles only to meet his beloved. Perhaps some socio-personal problems create obstacles to their love affairs. That is why they decide to meet at night secretly. The lover undertakes a hard journey through the grey sea. Then he walks a mile of warm sea-scented beach and crossed three fields. At last, he reaches his destination, a farmhouse where his ladylove lives. To keep their meeting secret, the love partners exchange no words only non-verbal expressions, and ultimately meet one another amidst joy and fear. Thus the poem connects to the theme of the poem and hence it is appropriate.

4) “And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,

   Than the two hearts beating each to each!” – Whose voice is referred to here? Why is the voice full of joy and fear? Describe the meeting.[1+2+2 = 5] [class-11-2019, 2020]

Ans.  The feeble voice of ladylove in Robert Browning’s ‘Meeting at Night’ is referred to here.

         The voice is full of joy because the lovers’ desire is fulfilled by meeting at night. At the same time, the voice of lady love expresses fear because they are meeting secretly. They are feared to be discovered or caught.

         After undertaking a strenuous journey and overcoming the obstacles, the lover reaches his destination, a farmhouse where his ladylove lives. He taps the window. The ladylove who was eagerly waiting for him signals him by scratching a match. Finally, they meet and sense the pleasure of meeting. Their passionate and excited hearts surpass their voices.

5)Give an account of the lover’s journey to his beloved in ‘Meeting at Night’.[5] [Class 11 – 2017]

Ans.  The lover in Browning’s Meeting at Night undertakes a strenuous journey to meet his beloved. It is a secret meeting at night. He takes a boat and voyages through the grey sea. The land is long and black. He looks at the yellow moon which is large and low. The waves which are sleeping leap in fiery ringlets with the movement of the boat. Then he reaches the cove and anchors the boat in the slushy sand. After that, he walks a mile on the warm sea- scented beach. He crosses three fields and reaches his destination, a farmhouse. By tapping the window pane, he informs his arrival.

6)What does the speaker observe in the course of his journey to the farmhouse in the poem, Meeting at Night’? What does he do as reaches the farmhouse? [3+2 = 5] [Class -11 – 2014]

Ans.  The lover in Browning’s ‘Meeting at Night’ undertakes a strenuous and long journey to meet his ladylove. While he was going through the sea, he observed the grey sea, long black land, and the yellow half-moon which was large and low in the sky. Again the lover observed the little waves which were still sleeping, now leaped in fiery ringlets from their sleep with the movement of the boat. He felt the warmness of the sea scented beach while walking on it.

          He taps the window pane immediately after reaching the farmhouse and signals his arrival.

7)Evaluate ‘Meeting at Night’ as love poem.[5] [Class 11 – 2016]

Ans. Robert Browning’s ‘Meeting at Night’ is a famous love poem. The lover in the poem overcomes all the obstacles to meet his ladylove. He undertakes a long and hard journey through the grey sea. Then he walks a mile on the sea-scented beach and crosses three fields. At last, he reaches his destination, a farmhouse where his ladylove lives. He taps the window. The ladylove who was eagerly waiting for him, responds to him by scratching a match. Finally, they meet and enjoy the pleasure of meeting. The beating of their passionate hearts suppresses their voices. The words such as the yellow half-moon, fiery ringlets, startled waves, and slushy sands indicate the lover’s soaring passion of love. So, all these signs that ‘Meeting at Night’ is a love poem.

Short  Question answer


1)What is the colour of the sea in the poem “Meeting at Night”?[Class 11 – 2015, 2018]

Ans.  The sea is grey in the poem “Meeting at Night”.

2)What does the phrase ‘grey sea’ suggest in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’?

Ans. In the poem meeting at Night, ‘the grey sea’ suggests that it is the time of evening.

3)How was the land that the lover saw from the sea in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’? Or How does the poet describe the land?

Ans.  The land was long and black in the poem Meeting at Night.

4)What did the lover see in the sky?

Ans.  The lover saw yellow half- moon in the sky.

5)How does Browning describe the half- moon?[class 11 – 2015, 2018, 2020]

Ans.  Browning describes the half-moon as yellow, large and low.

6)How were the little waves described in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’?

Ans. The little waves were described as startled in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’.

7)How does the poet personify the waves?

Ans. The poet personifies the waves by describing them as startled.

8)How does the little waves leap from their sleep?

Ans.  The little waves leap in fiery ringlets from their sleep.

9)What does the ‘fiery ringlets’ suggest?  [class 11 – 2019]

Ans  The fiery ringlets suggests the speaker’s  burning passion.

10) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow” – What do you mean by the word ‘cove’?

Ans.  The word ‘cove’ means creek or inlet of the sea.

11) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow” – What do you mean by the word ‘prow’?

Ans.  The word ‘prow’ means pointed front part of a boat.

12)How did the speaker gained the cove?

Ans.  The speaker gained the cove with pushing prow.

13)What does the phrase ‘quench its speed’ means?

Ans.  The phrase ‘quench its speed’ means slow down the speed of the boat.

14) “And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand”. –  What do you mean by the phrase ‘slushy sand’?

Ans.  The Phrase ‘slushy sand’ means soft sand with full of mud.

15)How is the beach described in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’?

Ans.  The beach is warm and sea-scented.

16)How many fields will the speaker have to cross before a farm appears?[Class 11 – 2014, 2019]

Ans.  The speaker will have to cross three fields before a farm appears.

17)Where does the boat slow down?[class 11 – 2016]

Ans.  The boat slows down in the slushy sand of the cove.

18)How long is the sea-scented beach?[class 11 – 2014, 2020]

Ans.  The sea scented beach is one mile long.

19)What does the speaker do immediately after he reaches the farmhouse in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’? [class 11 – 2016]

Ans.  The speaker taps the window pane immediately after he reaches the farmhouse.

20)What is the destination of the lover in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’? Or Where does his lady love live?

Ans.  The destination of the lover in the poem, ‘Meeting at Night’ is a farmhouse.

21)Whose voice responds to the tap at the pane?[class11 – 2019 ]

Ans.  The voice of the lady love responds to the tape of the pane.

22) “And the voice less loud.” – Why is the voice of lady love less loud?

Ans.  The voice of lady love is less loud because they are meeting secretly and do not want be caught.


MCQ question answer

1-The poem “Daybreak” is written by

a) William Wordsworth

b) Robert Browning

c) William Blake

d) H.W. Longfellow.

Ans: d) ) H.W. Longfellow.

2-The poem “Daybreak” is a

a) dramatic poem

b) sonnet

c) descriptive poem

d) lyric.

Ans: d) lyric.

3-How is the wind that comes out of the sea?

a) the wind is optimistic

b) the wind is ravageous

c) the wind is pessimistic

d) the wind is indifferent

Ans: a) the wind is optimistic.

4-Where does the chanticleer live in?

a) the chanticleer lives in forest

b) the chanticleer lives in sea

c) the chanticleer lives in farms

d) the chanticleer lives in churchyard.

Ans: c) the chanticleer lives in farms.

5-In the poem “Daybreak”, the wind blows in from the

a) sea

b) seashore

c) mists

d) ships on the sea

Ans: a) sea.

6-The wind crosses the churchyard with a sigh and tells it to stay quiet because

a) churchyards are noisy places

b) the dead are at rest there and it is not time for them to rise

c) it is time for the dead to rise from the churchyards

d) none of the above.

Ans: b) the dead are at rest there and it is not time for them to rise.

7-The ‘leafy banners’ mentioned in the poem refer to

a) cornfields waving in the wind

b) the waves of the sea

c) branches with leaves

d) green-coloured banners

Ans: c) branches with leaves.

8-While crossing the churchyard the wind

a) cried

b) smiled

c) snipped

d) sighed.

Ans: d) sighed.

9-The wind tells the mists to

a) announce the news of the coming morn

b) awaken the sea

c) cover the sea

d) make a room for him.

Ans: d) make a room for him.

10-What is the function of the wind in the poem “Daybreak”?

a) it comes as a messenger

b) it announces the arrival of the day

c) it carries a message from the sea

d) it prepares earth for the storm.

Ans: b) it announces the arrival of the day.

11-The theme of the poem “Daybreak” is

a) Life is action

b) Daybreak brings a new life full of activities

c) Sleep is good, but work is better

d) On our life every daybreak is important.

Ans: b) Daybreak brings a new life full of activities.

12-Daybreak’ is that poem which –

a) presents the poet’s concern for human activities

b) shows how Nature becomes vivacious when the day begins

c) represents life with all its joys and woes

d) points out the poet’s pessimism

Ans: shows how Nature becomes vivacious when the day begins.

13-The wind is symbolic in that –

it announces the end of the day

it awakes everything in nature for unusual activities

it presents harsh reality

it is a harbinger of hope and desire for the world.

Ans: it awakes everything in nature for unusual activities.

14-The banners of the forest were –

a) the leaves of the trees

b) the trees

c) the clouds

d) the flags hanging from the trees.

Ans: a) the leaves of the trees.

15-The poet celebrates day because –

the poem is written in daylight

the poet writes an ode to day

the wind announces the coming of day

day indicates life.

Ans: day indicates life.

16-The function of the wind is –

a) to come as a messenger

b) to announce the arrival of day

c) to carry a message from the sea

d) to prepare earth from the storm

Ans: b) to announce the arrival of day.

17-The wind told the churchyard to –

a) lie quietly

b) shout

c) rise

d) rise quietly

Ans: a) lie quietly.

18-‘Daybreak’ is written in

a) 9 rhymed couplets

b) 12 rhymed couplets

c) 6 rhymed couplets

d) none of the above

Ans: a) 9 rhymed couplets

19-‘Daybreak’ follows –

a) the spirited progression of the wind

b) the spirited progression of the day

c) the rising of the dead

d) none of the above.

Ans: a) the spirited progression of the wind

20-The poem, ‘Daybreak’, is a poem of –

a) despair

b) nature

c) supernaturalism

d) abstruse arguments

Ans: b) nature

21-In LongtelloW’s poem, “Daybreak’, the wind urges all, except the dead, to –

a) enjoy eternal sleep

b) sing the evening song

c) take rest at dawn

d) wake up at dawn

Ans: d) wake up at dawn.

22-‘Daybreak’ as a poem reminds us of –

Alexander Pope


William Wordsworth

Kamala Das

Ans: William Wordsworth

23-The wind sighed while crossing the –

a) sea

b) cemetery

c) churchyard

d) forest

Ans: c) churchyard.

24-The figure of speech used for the wind is –

a) personification

b) hyperbole

c) antithesis

d) irony.

Ans: a) personification

25-The fields of corn would bow down their heads –

a) to greet the coming morn

b) to greet the wind

c) to humiliate the wind

d) to show their indifference

Ans: a) to greet the coming morn.

26-The wind symbolizes –

a) evening

b) daybreak

c) commencement of all supernatural activities

d) death

Ans: b) daybreak

27-In this poem, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is –

a) morbid

b) pessimistic

c) optimistic

d) fond of all supernatural activities in nature

Ans: c) optimistic.

28-The poet H.W. Longtellow has used the Wind as –

a) a harbinger of hope

b) an evil force of nature

c) a mere force of nature

d) something which symbolizes death

Ans: a) a harbinger of hope

29-In Longfellow’s poem, “Daybreak”, the wind is given the human ability to –

a) dance in joy

b) sing sweetly

c) look after the forest

d) communicate through speech

Ans: d) communicate through speech.

30-What did the wind do crossing the churchyard? –

a) sat

b) became sad

c) lie down

d) left a sigh.

Ans: d) left a sigh.

31-‘Make room for me’ – means –

a) give place to lie

b) give passage to blow

c) leave a room to live

d) give a room at rent.

Ans: b) give passage to blow.

32-In Longfellow’s poem, “Daybreak’, the wind –

a) repeats the same words to all objects

b) uses same tone for different objects

c) uses different language for different objects

d) uses different language and tone for different objects

Ans: b) uses same tone for different objects.

33-In “Daybreak, Longfellow records –

a) the movement and speech of the wind

b) the movement and speech of different objects

c) the beauty of a sunlit morning

d) a simple picture of dawn

Ans: a) the movement and speech of the wind.

34-In ‘Daybreak’, the wind speaks like a human being. This is an example of –

a) allusion

b) metaphor

c) personification

d) simile

Ans: personification

35-The meaning of ‘daybreak’ is –

a) day

b) evening

c) morning

d) dawn.

Ans: d) dawn.

Short question answer 

Q.1: Where did the wind hurry to in ‘Daybreak’ ? ( XI - ’17)

Ans: The wind hurried towards the distant land.

Q.2:  Who announces daybreak in the poem ‘Daybreak’ ? ( XI - ’18, ’15)

Ans: In the poem ‘Daybreak’ the sea-wind announces daybreak.

Q.3:  What did the wind touch in the poem ‘Daybreak’ ? ( XI - ’15)

Ans:  In the poem ‘Daybreak’ the wind touched the wood-bird’s folded wing.

Q.4: What did the wind ask the wood-bird to do? ( XI - ’17)

Ans:  The wind asked the wood-bird to wake up and sing.

Q.5:   What did the wind urge the bell to do? ( XI - ’19)

Ans:  The wind urged the bell of the tower to ring to announce the advent of morning.

Q.6:   Why does the wind proclaim differently when it crosses the churchyard? ( XI - ’16)

Ans:   The wind proclaims differently when it crosses the churchyard because there the souls of dead are sleeping peacefully.

Q.7:   What does the phrase “Not yet! in quite lie” suggest? (XI - ’18)

Ans:  The phrase “Not yet! in quite lie” suggests it is not time for the dead soul in the churchyard as they will rise on Judgement Day.

Q.8: From where did the wind come in ‘Daybreak’ ? (XI - ’14)

Ans: The wind came up out of the sea in the poem ‘Daybreak’.

Q.9: What did the wind say when it crossed the churchyard ?( XI- ’14)

Ans: When the wind crossed the churchyard it told the dead souls to continue resting quietly in their graves.

Q.10:  What does the word ‘hail’ mean in the poem ‘Daybreak’ ? (XI- ’20)

Ans:  The word ‘hail’ means greet but symbolically it means the wind greets the ship to advise the sailors to sail on.

Q.11: What does the wind shout to the forest ? (XI - ’20)

Ans:  The wind shouts to the forest to hang all its leafy banners out.

Q.12:  What is the wind’s massage to the forest in ‘Daybreak’ ? (XI - ’16)

Ans: The wind asks the forest to display the beauty of its leaves in the light of the rising sun.


“O chanticleer

       Your clarion blow, the day is near.” – what do you mean by a chanticleer?

Ans. A chanticleer is a domestic cock.


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