Lesson 1 Book of Nature

Activity 1

Underline the appropriate alternatives:

(a) India is in fact a (big/small/huge) part of the earth’s surface.

(a) Once upon a time the earth was too (cold/dark/hot) for any living being to survive.

(c) Fossils are (a type of wild animal/ one kind of hard rock/ the remains of old livings beings).


(a) small

(b) hot

(c) the remains of old living beings

Activity 2

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

(a) What must we do to know about the tale of this world ?


We must think of all the countries as my own and all the people as our brothers and sisters.

(b) How old is our earth ?


Our earth is million and millions of years old.

(c) Who roamed the earth the arrival of human beings?


Before the arrival of human beings only animals were there.

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text. The first letters of words are given :

(A) As a subject, h _____________ is quite interesting

(b) We have good relations with our neighbouring c ________________.

(c) Plants need air, water and sunlight to g _________

(d) Can you I ____________ how big the Universe is ?

(e) You should s _________ regularly if you want to be a good student.


(a) history

(b) countries

(c) grow

(d) imagine

(e) study

Activity 4

Make meaningful sentences with the following words :

(a) interest    :

(b) surface     :

(c) together   :

(d) scientist   :


(a) She has a lot of interest in science.

(b) The surface of the earth is full of trees.

(c) Animals inhabited on earth before us.

(d) We live together happily  in India.

(e) A.P.J  Abdul kalam was a scientist.

Activity 5

Indentify which the following statements are True are false. Give a supporting statements each of your answers.

(a) Fairy tales are rich in imagination. (     )

(b) We have no means to know about the far-off days. (      )

(c) The alphabet of nature is like the Hindi or the English alphabet. (     )

(d) We can learn a lot about our  world from the rivers and mountains. (     )


(a) True – because we find impossible things happening in fairy tales.

(b) False – because we can know about far-off days by studying the rivers, mountains, fossils etc.

(c) False – because the alphabet of nature is, everything we find in nature like pebbles, rivers, fossils etc.

(d) True – Because every river or mountains has its own story.

Activity 6

Complete the following with information from the text :

(a)  No book could have been written in old because______________________


(b) To be able to read any language one _________________________________


(c) A small pebble was definitely  a part _________________________________

(d) On the beaches at the seaside, little children __________________________



(a) because men did not exist in old times.

(b) should learn the alphabets first.

(c) of a big rock.

(d) play and make sand castles

Activity 7

Fill in the following chart with information from the text:

(1) Fairy tales need not be true
(2) A piece of rock looks different a pebble.
(3) A bit of rock some mountain side reaches a little valley.
(4) All pebbles do not become sand.


(1) it would not be based on any facts.

2) because a piece of rock is bigger with rough edges but  a pebble is smooth, round,and shiny.

(3) because rain washes it down the valley.

(4) because some pebbles are left behind by the river on its sides.

Activity 8

Answer the following questions:

(a) Which are the thing around us that tell us about the earth’s early tale ?


Rocks, mountains, pebbles, rivers, fossils etc. tell  us about earth’s early story.

(b) Why does a pebble have a smooth surface ?


Because a pebble rolls at the bottom of the river and the surface becomes smooth.

(c) How does a pebble become grains of sand?


Because it rolls down the river continuously and finally becomes a grain of sand because of friction.

(d) What does the author men by “ The great Book of Nature?”


Author means that the nature is like a book and things in it are like pages of that book.

Activity 9

Rearrange the sentences in the correct order by writing the numbers in the bracketrs. One is done for you:

(a) The rock is taken to big river by the little river. (   )

(b) at last it is turned into grains of sand. (   )

(c) It becomes a pebble . (  )

(d) A bit rock is pushed by smooth stream  into river. ( 1 )

(e) the pebble becomes smaller because it is carried on and on by the river. (   )

(f)  the edges of the rock are worn away and its  rough surfaces is made smooth. (   )


d  – 1

a – 2

f – 3

c – 4

e – 5

b – 6

Activity 10







Activity 11


B) ugly





Lesson 2 

The Riddle

Activity  1

Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives:

(a) Emperor Akbar was walking

(i) in his place

(ii) in the royal garden

(iii) in the house of birbal .

Ans:- (ii) in the royal garden

(b) Birbal was Akbar’s

(i) most trusted and faithful minister

(ii) greedy and unfaithful minister

(iii) rival

Ans:- (i) most trusted and faithful minister

(c) The emperor was

(i) happy

(ii) clam

(iii) worried

Ans:- (iii) worried

(d) The fast things on earth is

(i) the human mind

(ii) bullock cart

(iii) horse

Ans: (i) the human mind

(e) The neighbour was outwitted by

(i) Akbar

(ii) Birbal

(iii) the neighbour’s friend

Ans:- (ii) Birbal

Activity 2

Identity which of the following statements are true and which are false. Give a supporting statements for each of your answers ?

(a) Emperor Akbar was very worried when was he was roaming his garden.


True – because he couldn’t find answer of  a riddle.

(b) There were no flowers and fruits in the garden of Akbar.


False – Emperor Akbar’s garden  had plants that produced fruits and flowers.

(c) Birbal was indifferent to Akbar’s troubles.


False – Birbal noticed that emperor Akbar did not have peace of mind that day.

(d) Birbal succeeded in answering to Akbar’s query.


True – Birbal answered the riddle and solved it as well.

(e) The people of Akbar’s court admired the wisdom of Birbal.


True – people were amazed at the wisdom of Birbal.

Activity 3

What kind of a text is this ?

It is a (i) play     (ii) essay    (iii) story

Ans:- (iii) story

Activity 4

Give another title to the story. Give reasons for your answer.


Power of human mind .

Because in this story Birbal proved how fast a human mind can solve a problem.

Activity 5

Complete the sentences meaningfully :

(a) Akbar asked Birbal _______________________________________

(b) Most people of the court of Akbar were puzzled ________________


(c) ______________________________________________withdrew his claim immediately

(d) _________________________________ the faster things on earth.


(a) “What is the fastest thing on this planet?”

(b) after listening to the question that trouble emperor Akbar.

(c) The neighbour realized that he was outwitted by Birbal and

(d) the human mind is

Activity 6

Fill in the chart information from the text:

1. Akbar was troubled
(2) Emperor Akbar asked Birbal to solve a riddle
3. the neighbour wanted to charge money for drawing water from the well


(1) Emperor Akbar couldn’t find the answer of a riddle.

(2) Birbal asked some time to  solve the riddle.

(3) The neighbour claimed that he had sold the well only, not the water in it.

Activity 7

Answer the following question :

(a) What were the things that the great emperor Akber loved ?


The  great emperor Akbar loved arts, science, literature and music.

(b) Why did Akbar not  have peace of mind ?


Because he couldn’t find the answer of riddle.

(c) What was the problem presented by the man from the audience ?


The man said that he bought a well from  his neighbour but that seller wanted more money for the water in it.

(d) How did Birbal solve the problem ?


Bibal asked the buyer to charge rent from the seller to keep his water in the buyer’s well. Then the seller realized his mistake and withdrew his claim.

Activity 8

Indentify the words from the text which are the synonyms of the following words

(a) confused

(b) demanded

(c) argument

(d) surprised


(a) confused – puzzled

(b) demanded – claim

(c) argument – dispute

(d) surprised – amazed


Activity 13(A)

You have just finished reading a beautiful story. Write a story in about 80 words with the help of the points given below. Give a title to your story:

merchant-going home through the forest - has a bag full of money rain falls - gets wet - curses the rain a robber comes - points a gun at the merchant shoots unhurt- wet gunpowder - merchant thanks God for rain.


                       Title: A Blessing of Rain

As the merchant trudged through the dense forest, his bag full of money jingled at his side. Suddenly, the sky opened up and rain began to fall in sheets. The merchant cursed the weather, knowing it would ruin his fine clothes. But as he journeyed on, a robber emerged from the trees and pointed a gun at the merchant. The merchant closed his eyes, awaiting the inevitable shot. But to his surprise, the gun did not go off. When he opened his eyes, the robber was running off into the distance. The merchant realized that the rain had made the gunpowder wet, saving his life. He thanked God for the blessing of rain and continued on his way home, grateful for the second chance at life.


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