Cbse class 10 geography Term-2


Minerals and Energy Resources 

Class 10 Extra Questions 

Geography Chapter 5

Very Short Answer Questions :

Answers should not exceed 30 words.

Question 1.

State some products/things we use that are made of metals.


Railway lines, a tiny pin, machinery, cars etc. are all made of metals.

Question 2.

Name the minerals which do the cleaning work.


Silica, oxide and phosphate minerals do the cleaning work.

Question 3.

Which rock consists of single mineral only ? [CBSE 2015]



Question 4.

What is a mineral ?


Mineral is a “homogenous” naturally occurring substance with a definable internal structure.

Question 5.

How do Geographers study minerals ?


Geographers study minerals as part of the earth’s crust for a better understanding of landforms.

Question 6.

What is the interest of a geologists in minerals ?


A geologist is interested in the formation of minerals, their age and physical and chemical composition.

Question 7.

State some of the non-metallic minerals.


Non-metallic minerals are mica, salt, potash, sulphur, granite, limestone, marble sand stone etc.

Question 8.

Give some examples of energy minerals.


Coal, petroleum and natural gas are energy minerals.

Question 9.

What type of mineral is copper ?


Copper is a metallic mineral.

Question 10.

Where are minerals found ?


Minerals are found in ores.

Question 11.

What is an ‘ore’ ?


The term ‘ore’ is used to describe an accumulation of any material mixed with other elements.

Question 12.

Where are a number of minerals found in sedimentary rocks ? Give example.


In sedimentary rocks a number of minerals occur in beds or layers. Examples are coal and some forms of iron ore.

Question 13.

Which minerals are formed as a result of evaporation ? Name any two.


Potash salt and sodium salt.

Question 14.

Placer deposits contain minerals which are not corroded by water. Which are these minerals ?


Gold, silver, tin and platinum.

Question 15.

What do you understand by Rat-hole mining ?


In the tribal areas of the north-east India, minerals are owned by individuals or communities. Thus, coal mining in Jowai and Cherapunjee is done by family member in the form of a long narrow tunnel, known as ‘Rat-hole’ mining.

Question 16.

Which reserves of minerals are found in peninsular rocks ?


Peninsular rocks contain most of the reserves of coal, metallic minerals mica and many other non-metallic minerals.

Question 17.

Where petroleum deposits are found in India ?


Sedimentary rocks on the western and eastern flanks of the peninsula, in Gujarat and Assam have most of the petroleum deposits.

Question 18.

Which part of India has no minerals or is devoid of economic minerals ?


The vast alluvial plains of north India are almost devoid of economic minerals.

Question 19.

Which is the main reason for variations in distribution of minerals in India ?


The variations in distribution of minerals in India is due to differences in the geological structure, processes and time involved in the formation of minerals.

Question 20.

Which is the finest iron ore and why ?


Magnetite is the finest ore with a very high content of iron up to 70 per cent. It has excellent magnetic qualities.

Question 21.

From which belt iron ore is exported via Vishakhapatnam port and to which countries ?


Iron ore from the mines of Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur belt is exported to Japan and South Korea via Vishakhapatnam port.

Question 22.

Which are main non-ferrous minerals ?


Copper, lead, bauxite, zinc and gold are non-ferrous metals.

Question 23.

What is the advantage of copper’s use in electrical cables ?


The copper is malleable, ductile-‘and good conductor and therefore its use is advantageous in electrical cables.

Question 24.

Which place in India produces more copper ?


The Balaghat mines in Madhya Pradesh produce 52 per cent of India’s copper.

Question 25.

How are bauxite deposits formed ?


Bauxite deposits are formed by the decomposition of a wide variety of rocks rich in aluminium silicates.

Question 26.

Which state is the largest bauxite producing in India ?



Question 27.

Why is mica the most indispensable mineral used in electric and electronic industries ?


Due to its excellent di-electric strength, low power loss factor, insulating properties and resistance to high voltage, mica is one of the most indispensable mineral used in electric and electronic industries.

Question 28.

From which minerals energy can be generated ?


Energy can be generated from fuel minerals like coal, petroleum, natural gas, uranium and from electricity.

Question 29.

Which are non-conventional source of energy ? Mention any three.


Non-conventional source of energy are solar, wind, biogas, tidal energy.

Question 30.

Which are different types of coal ?


Lignite, bituminous and anthracite.

Question 31.

State two types of electricity.



2-Thermal electricity.

Question 32.

Where is Kaiga thermal power plant ?


Kaiga thermal power plant is in Karnataka.

Question 33.

In which state the largest solar power plant is located ?


The largest solar power plant of India is located at Madhapur, near Bhuj.

Question 34.

How hiogas is produced in rural areas ?


Shrubs, farm waste, animal and human waste are used to produce biogas for domestic consumption in rural areas.

Question 35.

Which nuclear plant is situated in Tamil Nadu ?


Kalpakkam nuclear power plant is located in Tamil Nadu.

Question 36.

Which country is ranked as a ‘wind super power’ in the world ?


India is ranked as a ‘wind super power’ in the world.

Question 37.

In India which place provides ideal conditions for utilising tidal energy ?


Gulf of Kuchchh.

Question 38.

What is geothermal energy ?


Geothermal energy refers to the heat and electricity produced by using the heat from the interior of the earth.

Question 39.

How you can contribute towards the conservation of energy resources ? State one way.


We can contribute towards the conservation of energy by using public transport systems instead of individual vehicles.

Question 40.

Which are the two planks of sustainable energy ?


Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources are the twin planks of sustainable energy.


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